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Just diagnosed and terrified.

Posted 09 Jul 2015 at 21:26
Steve when you do think you need a number 2 take a small foot stool into the bathroom with you, or even the buckst if you dont have the stool put it just in front of the loo. When you sit on the loo put your feet up on the stool. It takes all the pressure off your lower bottom and back passage and really helps you to pass stools without too much discomfort or need to push as such.

It also helps with Reaching to wipe your bottom a bit as well, if you can get hold of some moistened toilet tissues they are much easier to use or if you still cannot reach use the shower head like a hand held bidet.

Things will start to ease off soon.

I am so pleased your brother is coming up to stay to give you help and also just for the company.

I am sure there will be other Men here who have been through this without a wife or partner who will be able to come up with more ideas that might help.

best wishes



Posted 09 Jul 2015 at 22:21
Hey Mo

That's a good idea about the stool, I will try that.

I'm sure I threw out a nice little stool which would have done the job but I think I have something that might work well.

Typing this reminded me to take my Senna tablets.

Thanks for the advice


Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 00:18
The stool worked for me. Other advice I got that seemed to help was to hold your nose and breathe into your cupped hand. It sounds odd but apparently it helps to open the anal sphincter. It's important to try not to strain. I went about 8 days post op and in the end needed movocol off the G.P.

Edited by member 10 Jul 2015 at 00:19  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 09:52

Hello Raiden, I'm back from camping with no WiFi so can now add my best wishes to everyone else's.

Glad it all went well although I can appreciate how uncomfortable these initial first few days will be.
Glad that you brother is coming down, that will not only be a help physically but mentally too as you can bounce your feelings off him! It's what brothers and sisters are for!!

Good luck young man and all the best from


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 10:10

interesting about the nose hold and hand breathe idea, that is also a very old cure for hiccups, my Nan always made us breathe in and out of a brown paper bag (not a plastic one that wuld be cruel!!) It works every time for me. I would imagine there is science behind that i.e. breathing in your own processed air which has now been converted to carbon dioxide which in turn must be a mild natural muscle relaxant. It seems to work much better than the other usual ones like holding your breath or drinking water through a cup backwards as they just reduce the amount of oxygen you take in.

Steve, sorry just a little diversion on a bright friday morning.

Have a much more comfortable weekend



Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 11:09

First time..

Well I felt a bit of stirring so thought I would try and go for a number two (sorry)

I could sit ok on the toilet but noticed small leakages coming out the end of my willy while I was sat there waiting to go. This has worried me so I got back up again without doing anything.

Is this normal? The catheter is still working ok with fluid going fine into the bag after I tried the above.

Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 11:23

I'm not sure of the science of the bladder and bowel except to say that if you have a very full bowel, and you must have by now, then it will put pressure on other organs close by so maybe that's what causes the leakage.

Just so we are reading from the same page, are you talking a urinary leak from the penis.
Is it "normal" colour or bloody or what.

I appreciate that with a catheter in you wouldn't expect leakage at all.

When you sat there "waiting to go" were you using any pressure at all ie trying to evacuate or just waiting around so to speak?

Not necessary to apologise. Unlike the Queen, who is surely a different being as she is royalty, we all have bodies that behave in more or less the same way !

Personally I would say never ignore the slightest feeling that you might be able to go.
Are you drinking plenty of fluids?

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 11:26

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

First time..

Well I felt a bit of stirring so thought I would try and go for a number two (sorry)

I could sit ok on the toilet but noticed small leakages coming out the end of my willy while I was sat there waiting to go. This has worried me so I got back up again without doing anything.

Is this normal? The catheter is still working ok with fluid going fine into the bag after I tried the above.

Hi Raiden,

I've been away for 5 weeks in the caravan so not been on here lately  http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif

Leakage can / does occur when passing a motion sometimes...... as long as urine is still draining into the bag there is nothing to be concerned about...
I used to wrap some toilet paper around the catheter exit area to soak up any leakage when doing number two's..

Hopefully your catheter will be removed soon and  won't have to put up with this situation for very long...

Best Wishes 



Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 11:32
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I'm not sure of the science of the bladder and bowel except to say that if you have a very full bowel, and you must have by now, then it will put pressure on other organs close by so maybe that's what causes the leakage.

Just so we are reading from the same page, are you talking a urinary leak from the penis.
Is it "normal" colour or bloody or what.

I appreciate that with a catheter in you wouldn't expect leakage at all.

When you sat there "waiting to go" were you using any pressure at all ie trying to evacuate or just waiting around so to speak?

Not necessary to apologise. Unlike the Queen, who is surely a different being as she is royalty, we all have bodies that behave in more or less the same way !

Personally I would say never ignore the slightest feeling that you might be able to go.
Are you drinking plenty of fluids?

I feel ok at the moment and the sensation to go has pretty much gone, I haven't eaten anything for 5 days now so I don't think I'm that bunged up. Drinking lots of water though.

It looks normal urinary leakage, colour is fine, didn't sting or anything.

I was just waiting around to let nature take its course, no pushing at all.

Yes drinking lots and lots of water.

Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 11:35
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

First time..

Well I felt a bit of stirring so thought I would try and go for a number two (sorry)

I could sit ok on the toilet but noticed small leakages coming out the end of my willy while I was sat there waiting to go. This has worried me so I got back up again without doing anything.

Is this normal? The catheter is still working ok with fluid going fine into the bag after I tried the above.

Hi Raiden,

I've been away for 5 weeks in the caravan so not been on here lately  http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif

Leakage can / does occur when passing a motion sometimes...... as long as urine is still draining into the bag there is nothing to be concerned about...
I used to wrap some toilet paper around the catheter exit area to soak up any leakage when doing number two's..

Hopefully your catheter will be removed soon and  won't have to put up with this situation for very long...

Best Wishes 



Hi Luther

Thank you for replying that's a great help to know it can happen and it's nothing to worry about.

I did wrap some toilet paper around the end when it was happening and will do again when I try again.

I'm hoping its removed next Thursday, think it will be so much easier once that's gone.

Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 14:23

Before wrapping toilet roll or anything else around the point where the catheter enters you penis I would check that this is not going to, or be likely to, increase the risk of an infection?

The importance of absolute hygiene at that area can not be over emphasised, as one who has had a UTI I can tell you you do not want one if you can avoid it, it is excruciatingly painful, or was for me.

You always wash away from the catheter entry point, washing out away from, rather than in towards, the penis.

Some catheters do leak, some less so or more so than others. If it is unbearable you may be able to have the balloon at the end filled up more to try to improve the seal? Worth asking the District Nurse or your GP about.

You are doing well so far.



All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 16:27

I don't know a lot about penises except my own . Im circumcised which is probably easier , but I was told everyday to wipe from the tip ( point of entry ) away from the body down the tube , making sure I swabbed away blood , stains etc . Don't wash or "push " stuff upwards . To be fair I just used my little boy's Tesco baby wipes and didn't cause any problems . The pooing thing can be awful . I just kept taking Milk of Magnesia as it said on the bottle . You HAVE to get the poo out and yes it causes considerable pain . And 3 weeks later it causes pain as the poo passes the scar site I suppose where the " Knitting " was done . So keep it moving mate , and wrap the towel around your tummy and twist at the back like a tourniquet so you can force a bit . That was an amazing bit of nurse advice . One week down the road you are still going to be uncomfortable , but will MARVEL at the healing power of the human body . I think you are SO SO brave having been on your own and it melts my heart that your brother came to you , as I know I was wrecked both physically and emotionally .
We're gonna get there Raiden . We promised remember !

Posted 10 Jul 2015 at 21:55

I am being very careful with the cleansing and always wiping away from the entry point down the tube.

I've still not been a number 2, tried today but nothing happened after the leak I had.

I will remember the towel technique and I must start taking the liquid softener they gave me.

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 09:08

Give the district nurse a call and get her to bring you some movicol. Tastes rotten but does the job. And why are you not eating? You need to be eating, even if it's only a bit. Weetabix is always good.

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 10:30
Movicol did it for me. Stand back and light the touch paper-- Boom.
Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 11:42

You mentioned you haven't eaten much, you must try to start eating as that couldn't be helping. I hate to say this but Stuart has moved his bowels twice this morning, he has been eating lots of fruit in hospital yesterday and drinking prune juice as well as taking Lactulose solution. Do try and eat fresh fruit and veg or maybe make a homemade veg soup?

We are home now thankfully.

Hope you get there.

Trish x

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 14:31
I seem to remember oh resorted to syrup of figs. He sent me to Tesco for it, then just drank half a bottle. I think the dose was two tea spoons...
Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 17:53

I just had some scrabbled egg, first thing in 5 days, I've come to the conclusion I need to eat. Some friends brought me some fresh fruit round so will eat that tonight.

That's excellent about Stuart going twice already, especially so soon after the op.

I think tomorrow's gonna be the day.

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 18:01
Good Steve I'm glad you are eating, try some wholemeal bread too but getting the fruit is excellent 😉
Posted 12 Jul 2015 at 07:48

It happened last night...... :)

Took quite a while to get going but the main thing, it happened :)

I felt so relieved afterwards and although it was very awkward to go it didn't hurt too much.

Think I might brave some toast this morning, as I love my toast and have missed it so much.

The fruit went down a treat last night.

Happy Sunday to you all

Posted 12 Jul 2015 at 08:37
Yàay so pleased for you, now keep eating that fruit😉
Posted 12 Jul 2015 at 08:46

That's good news Raiden.
Enjoy your toast and if you are going back to eating fibrous things don't forget the fluid too.
Best Wishes

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 12 Jul 2015 at 09:34

Phew what a relief !

All the best with your recovery.

Thanks Chris

Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 18:46


I went to the hospital today to have the catheter removed, ouch that was uncomfortable. Then an injection in my bottom which was an anti biotic as a precaution, needle was massive, ouch again.

I instantly started dribbling, they put a pad on me and asked me to get some drinks for an hour to see if I could wee on my own and if I could feel I needed to wee. This took about 40 mins, lots of dribbles and leaks but eventually I went. Flow was weak and it hurt towards the end inside my tummy.

Went back to see the nurse and I was not quite empty, waited another 30 mins, went for a wee again, better flow and still cramped inside at the end.

Went back, she scanned me and I was empty, they let me go.

Went to a shop and was leaking lots, felt dirty so came home and got a nice hot shower.

New pad on, I lasted quite some time but so far been leaking lots in the pads, just dribbles but quite frequent.

The nurse said it was nothing to worry about and should subside in a few days once my bladder gets used to working again, I'm not so convinced. I was hoping I'd be dry from the off but hey just another obstacle I will deal with and hopefully it will subside in a few days.

Great to be catheter free, movement is so much better, almost like being normal again..

Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 19:13

You'll be fine Raiden.

You've just had a foreign object removed from a sensitive part of your anatomy and it's telling you it's damned sore so be patient.
The time to panic is a lot further down the line.

Did you do your pelvic floor exercises? As soon as you feel you can cope with them get them going again, they'll stand you in good stead in the future.

Glad you're feeling relatively back to normal anyway

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 19:23

Hey Johsan

Although yes I was hoping to be dry you are so right, hopefully it will get better over the next week or so, just need my body to adjust back again without a size 18 catheter down me snozzle.. Lol

I never got chance to do many pelvic exercises pre op as everything happened within days so didn't get much time before I was operated on.

I was advised not to do any PFEs with the catheter in, but now it outs been doing them today and will continue each day frequently.

I'm looking at it like this, catheter in vs dribbles, dribbles every time. As long as I get control back at some point soon.

Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 19:34


your bladder/urethra muscle has been clamping shut, as far as it is concerned, on a catheter pipe. removal of that pipe means the the muscle has to learn again to clamp shut to a new zero, itself, just like when you were a baby.

It will take time, may be weeks, maybe months, may be years. It is beyond your control. Took me 7 months to go completely padless.

Give it time, be a patient patient.



All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 20:30

I had a similar experience and it felt scary. I had very little control for a few days but gradually things got better and now,15 weeks on, I am more or less back in control. I have a level 1 pad on as a precaution for the rare moments when I do have a little spurt. These are usually in the evening when I guess the pelvic floor muscles are getting tired. The excercises must be helping.

Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 22:13

great the catheter is out hooray now you can turn over in bed without fear of pulling it out. No more night stand and bags to change, wash. throw away etc.

you must try and let nature do its own thing, you can help by doing exercises, changing your pad regularly and keeping really clean to avoid any infection. I know the pads seem horrendous and many men go through the fears of leaking out of it or thinking it shows through clothing. Unless you are wearing snake hip pants they won't. It is a good idea to wear those slim fitting boxers not the loose shorts but the speedo short type. they help to keep everything where it should be. Us ladies kind of learned how to deal with pads and how to secure them in place when tampons were not adequate on their own or an option at all for some ladies, bridget jones pants rule! you will also get to know that spurts can easily be contained in fact quite big spurts can be. Those pads are incredibly absorbent. I know it is not exactly the same but you get my drift.

Give it a couple of weeks to start improving you are now on the road to recovery so as Dave says be a patient patient.

best wishes



Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 22:27

We are there tomorrow so will let you know how Stuart gets on x

Posted 16 Jul 2015 at 22:38


To get an idea of what a pad will hold,  stand in the bath or shower with your pad on and some urine in the bladder and let it go. Might give some assurance if you get caught short. Try to get a happy medium between going when you have the urge and not going just in case you need to retrain the bladder. I can hold it for quite a while but can not stop, it mid stream (not that you should be doing that anyway).

Thanks Chris

Posted 17 Jul 2015 at 06:26

Thanks to everyone for the replies and advice.

Posted 17 Jul 2015 at 06:32

First night post catheter removal....

Morning friends

Its 06:18am I have just woken from my first night without the catheter and I'm totally dry. I could feel I needed a wee although a different sensation to how it used to feel pre operation, I have just been for a wee and it was quite a big one, but nothing in my pad, completely dry. Let's hope it continues like this.

Weeing is a bit of hit and miss at the moment, I don't seem to have much control over the flow and I'm quite spurty, getting started is taking me a little bit of time to get going, also it seems when I am empty or near empty I get this sudden sharp ache in my tummy, the nurse said its the bladder muscle contracting and I'm feeling it because of the wound site.

I have to say I am very surprised, will see how I get on during the day with the leaking.


Posted 17 Jul 2015 at 08:38

Yeh mate awesome news for you and superb advice from everyone . As you know ive been uber lucky really. But im still chuffed when im dry at night . Ive only wee'd at night 3 times out of 22 , and am essentially dry all day . Im wearing day pads but more for security at the mo . I DO feel like im leaking occasionally and get the odd spurt , but it kind of stops at the tip and I can wait long enough then to find a toilet . It STILL hurts for me every time my bladder fully finishes emptying and im just over a month now . Doing a number two hurts when it rubs past the site still also .
Don't be disappointed if "gravity" starts making you leak again today mate . Its the law of physics . Best wishes and to Stuart

Posted 17 Jul 2015 at 10:15
Hi Chris,

Stuart is so looking forward to be Cathetar free and jogging bottoms free that he is bringing his jeans and a nice shirt to change into when it's removed = he's so vain 😂😂😂😂😂

Posted 17 Jul 2015 at 11:16

Vanity, surely not. This is a man who says he won't be beaten by cancer and its inconveniences.

(I'd still pack a pair of joggers for him - discretely you understand, don't want to undermine his confidence!!)

Stuart may well be sore around the zip/under seam  area and appreciate the joggers for now.

Good luck anyway whatever he wears. You and he will be glad to be home and catheter free

Edited by member 17 Jul 2015 at 11:17  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 09 Sep 2015 at 19:22

Hey Peeps

I thought I would post my 8 week update 09/09/15

I had a good 8 weeks (well over 9 weeks really) result, my PSA was 0.06, the pathologist report didnt change my staging which was good I was still T2C which they changed pre op from T3A, one thing he did say about the report was there were cancerous cells up to the boundary of the margin point, not on it or over just right up to it which he said is very normal but will need to keep an eye on it for anything microscopic.

He was happy with the result but said my next 3 month PSA test is the more important one. He wants to see it down to 0.01 if it goes up or more importantly if it goes to 0.1 or above he said because of my age he would want to start alternative treatment immediately. I didn't like this part I have to say cause to me it felt like a positive then negative. I just feel a bit like today has just been delayed for 3 months and then I have to go through it all again...

I feel great though, and back to work and stuff, everything normal apart from Mr Wiggles.

Still not much happening on the ED front, but I know its still early days. I got two pumps but not really working for me right now, it just hurts, doesn't give me an erection more like a lazy lob, it also hurts being an uncut guy, it seems to pull my bell out of the foreskin and stretches on my banjo string, almost like its just the tip that is being suck so uncomfortably hard..
I'm going for a pump demo in two weeks, I think I will wait for that as I don't want to damage anything by doing it wrong.

I looked in the mirror and laughed thinking "What in earth do you look like" lol, never did I think all those years of pumping up my bicycle tyre's that I'd be having to pump up my winkle lol

Posted 09 Sep 2015 at 19:27

Good to hear from you Raiden and with pretty good news (well most of it)

Keep exercising !

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 09 Sep 2015 at 19:51

Hi Steve -- Good news I reckon mate but I get the whole " another 3 month wait " thing . I think I should have found a robot somewhere maybe , but probably would have ended up with the Brian robot from confused.com knowing my luck . Im beginning to feel that even good news can be bad news -- chasing results that can barely be measured accurately for the rest of your life , and waiting month after month for news . Having said that i'd rather be in your shoes than mine at the moment friend.
The pump detail is making me wince ouch !! I heard you're the man , but two pumps , honestly , is just bragging.
Take care and speak soon

Posted 09 Sep 2015 at 20:13
Good to hear about your low PSA result - I hope this continues to be case.

After my op I looked down there to see my previous pride and joy and had never seen such a pathetic little creature, lol! I definitely would be embarrassed to be in communal showers, lol again. However, you do have some "youth" on your side. I believe this will be much to your advantage in returning to full EF.

Wishing you all the best with your recovery.

Posted 09 Sep 2015 at 21:47

Chris, you have mets - the best robot in the world wouldn't have done any better for you my friend

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 27 Sep 2015 at 09:39
Hi Raiden,

Just want to wish you good luck, you'll be okay.I met the robot May 13th this year,have been back at work since the beginning of August, incontinence a thing of the past,still working on the erectile dysfunction but will get there. Be positive and good luck.You'll get there buddy.Take every step as a hurdle you've got over and as an achievement.

This is a good site (that I've only just found) and is helping me in a reassuring way post op to come to terms with what I've been through.It's good to talk.

All the best, Cubes.

Posted 27 Sep 2015 at 12:51
Hey Cubes

Thanks for the message and the kind words, it sounds like you have done brilliantly and are moving forward to having everything back just as it used to be


Posted 27 Sep 2015 at 13:33

Hello cubes and welcome.

It's great that your first post is so positive and helpful. A real boost to those recovering

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 27 Sep 2015 at 18:22
Hi Johsan and Raiden,

If I can be of any help to you and the community please let me know.I wish that I'd found this website earlier as the support and advice offered is terrific.I am actually finding the support just as important post-op as pre-op as myself and my family come to terms with what we have been through.

Chris J.suggested that I introduce myself to the community but as a total loss with computers I have no idea how to do this. Any suggestions please. I would love to offer whatever help and support I can to the community.

All the best,


Posted 27 Sep 2015 at 18:40

Its great to meet you Cubes . I suggested you could start your own post and say a big hello and we could all follow your progress . Purely up to you friend . Scroll to the bottom of this page , and where it says " start a conversation " , then press that button and give it a title , and we can all say hello and keep up with your journey. Your very own page !!

Posted 03 Oct 2015 at 19:32
Poor you!There seem to be quite a few men diagnosed at your age.Sean was 57 and at the time (17 months ago)they said he was young!

He had the da vinci op,with much the same thoughts as you re radiotherapy


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