I went to the hospital today to have the catheter removed, ouch that was uncomfortable. Then an injection in my bottom which was an anti biotic as a precaution, needle was massive, ouch again.
I instantly started dribbling, they put a pad on me and asked me to get some drinks for an hour to see if I could wee on my own and if I could feel I needed to wee. This took about 40 mins, lots of dribbles and leaks but eventually I went. Flow was weak and it hurt towards the end inside my tummy.
Went back to see the nurse and I was not quite empty, waited another 30 mins, went for a wee again, better flow and still cramped inside at the end.
Went back, she scanned me and I was empty, they let me go.
Went to a shop and was leaking lots, felt dirty so came home and got a nice hot shower.
New pad on, I lasted quite some time but so far been leaking lots in the pads, just dribbles but quite frequent.
The nurse said it was nothing to worry about and should subside in a few days once my bladder gets used to working again, I'm not so convinced. I was hoping I'd be dry from the off but hey just another obstacle I will deal with and hopefully it will subside in a few days.
Great to be catheter free, movement is so much better, almost like being normal again..