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Petition for National Prostate Cancer Screening Started - petition,PSA

Posted 05 Sep 2015 at 00:24

Yes a very interesting article and a clear indication that screening is beneficial all round.

Thanks for the link Roy

Posted 05 Sep 2015 at 09:03

Roy thanks for the link. No doubts it will stir the emotions. Also from past experience those strongly opposed to screening will blast holes through it, perhaps via the opportunistic aspect. However I leave that to them.

From my humble PCa guy view I read it as screening is better than opportunistic but it's not saying it's better than the current voluntary GP system, however full of holes, we have in place now is it?

Just my view folks.


Posted 06 May 2016 at 08:41

Hi everyone

6 months on.

I am almost bedridden now. Pain is bad but pain meds help.
After numerous communications with government departments, PCUK, Public Health England, National Screening Committee and other bodies, it was clear that no national screening for PCa would be put in place until there was a more accurate test.

After I started the petition a company from Cambridge contacted me about a test they had developed. I had a friend who was a Clinical Biologist lecturer at UClan. I introduced them which formed the collaboration with researchers at the university and the company from Cambridge. Since then they have won a biotech award from PitchPalace which is run by the Duke of York and recently they have begun crowdfunding for the first phase of their objectives which is to produce a home test kit for consumers See more here Myself and my wife are featured in their video.
The second and third phase will be aimed at clinical trials for NHS approval. 

I personally, have been in the press, on radio and TV talking about my story and the new test.
I was also involved with PCUK with their PSA Consensus

The links below should give you all the information you may wish to know.

BBC Radio Lancashire interview (includes Dr Carole Rolph and myself)

BBC North West Tonight

My time is running out but this test may just be something that could  help many thousands of men avoid this awful disease in the future.

Best wishes to you all

Posted 06 May 2016 at 12:38

Hi Kevin,Thank you for all your efforts with this particularly when you are severely effected by PCa . I have contributed to this as two generations have had it and two to possibly come....

Does anyone know what happened to the urine test(EN2?) . It was trialled by Surrey 2 years ago and under development by Zeus Labs. It was originally posted March 2014 by Cityboy,also called Kevin (don't know if you are one and the same.)

Best wishes to you in your continuing fight,Elajai .

Posted 06 May 2016 at 18:25

Thanks Kevin for all your efforts to help others, you are a inspiration to me and many others,that when faced with such a bleak out look. that you have the determination to try to make things happen for those  yet to face this awful disease. yours Andy

Edited by member 06 May 2016 at 18:31  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 06 May 2016 at 19:20


I am sorry to hear things are not going well. Very well done for all your efforts, although I understand and respect the arguments and impracticalities of a screening programme, is it not better to have an over treated husband, father, brother, rather than a prematurely dead husband, father, brother. It is not great living with incontinence and ED but at least I am still here.

If only one person's life is saved as a result of your media appearances and publicity then you and we can be very proud of your efforts. 

As people have said getting the message across is the answer, PCUK launched their new advert a few weeks ago and in my opinion it does not get the message across, using an actor who has portrayed a light hearted character seems to be the wrong choice. There are many men's and women's stories on here that would be more hard hitting and get the message across.

Thanks Chris




Posted 07 May 2016 at 17:01

I agree with Chris -the advert is terrible and more likely to put men off being tested, Our son has already decided not to have his psa assessed despite his father's consultant's advice, Please sign the crowdfunding appeal if you can.

Posted 08 May 2016 at 18:53

Who is the actor, and where can the advert be seen please?


All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 08 May 2016 at 20:17

I have to say I have 'liked' the new advert a couple of times on facebook just to get it shared a bit , but in my opinion ( and I'm terribly sorry PCUK who have been such a tremendous help ) it is quite terrible. I think it achieves virtually nothing whatsoever. I fail to see it even puts a point across ???

Edited by member 08 May 2016 at 20:18  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 May 2016 at 21:48

The actor is Jeremy Swift who played a brilliant but rather humourous butler in Downton Abbey and The Durrell's.

The advert can be seen on youtube and I think there is a link on the site.

Thanks Chris

Posted 09 May 2016 at 08:18

Thanks for that Chris C, found it on U-Tube.

See your point Chris J.

No doubt someone thought it was a good idea. Comedy, well written considering it uses the "awkward" terminology that might have been used by a parent to a child 30 years or so ago.

Most parents I know use the name of the body part when discussing health with their kids these days.

The message is in there somewhere, among the comedy.

If it makes one man checkout online, and saves one man's life, it will have done some good.


All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 09 May 2016 at 13:02

It is also on tv between the football matches on Saturday. Sorry I was more impressed with Jeff's walk for Pca with friends.

Posted 09 May 2016 at 18:55
I was chatting with PCUK Amy and Merry on Friday about some stuff I have worked with them on that is being released this week, heavy reading stuff released to coincide with the National Dying Matters week.

They asked me if I had seen the advert and if so what I thought of it. I did say that In my personal opinion it was pretty awful. I suppose trying to get a very serious message over using comedy will always be a tall ask especially if they are aiming this at 2 or more generations. I just can't see a son talking to his Dad in such an awkward and nerdy way. However, if it gets watched and causes this kind of debate in pubs, clubs or at home and in the workplace then it will at least have raised awareness.



Edited by member 09 May 2016 at 18:57  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 09 May 2016 at 19:46

I quite like it. Younger people that have had to experience 'that conversation' will recognise it and if it makes our children more aware then they might hassle their dads or grandads to get tested? Is it any worse than the posters in ladies' toilets?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 09 May 2016 at 22:24
My girls saw the advert and both commented that they thought it was quite good too. They know what I'd gone through and related to it quite well. One said it wasn't 'heavy ' and was good in that the son was taking the lead in concern for his father . Any awareness is surely good ?


Posted 27 May 2016 at 23:14
Signed. My father has locally advanced Pca, my oh had contained Pca.

For me, its not so much about a screening programme, more that if men want a test, they shouldn't have to justify their reason.

Posted 17 Oct 2016 at 20:44
Rest in peace Kevin and condolences to your family.

Thanks Chris

Posted 17 Oct 2016 at 23:00

I'm very saddened to hear this news.
Kevin seemed like a man of strong principle.
I hope his legacy will be the introduction of screening as soon as viable.

Posted 18 Oct 2016 at 00:54

Sleep peacefully Kevin

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 18 Oct 2016 at 12:59


I've since signed the petition. I'm not sure if I am in total agreement with a national screening programme but if nothing else this will help to raise awareness which Kev was clearly passionate about.

Pity his thread turned pretty sour in some parts ....


Posted 18 Oct 2016 at 15:08

so sorry to hear this news as Kevin campaigned for national screening even though his outlook was bleak ,who also went on radio and tv so others may benefit in the future RIP Kev

Edited by member 18 Oct 2016 at 21:43  | Reason: Not specified

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