Right folks, how are you all?
It's been a while since I posted on here so I thought I'd give an update.
It's now four and a half months since my prostate was removed and I have only good news for you all.
I've been for my first check-up and my PSA level was undetectable; I have another in March. I was loaned a vacuum pump to try and I got on with it pretty well. I did get a bit scared after the op as "it" had shrunk to the size of a button mushroom! But, the pump did it's job and at least now I can see it again, lol.
I went to see the ED nurse last week and she has booked me into the ED clinic ASAP so I can trial the injections as while the pump and rings is all very well, it's not exactly spontaneous and needs at least five minutes to get anywhere. But it does the job of exercising the bits and I've been told that I must keep using it on a daily basis. Nothing at all is happening naturally yet and I'm told that it could be anything up to two years before a photo of Ann Widdicombe is able to "turn me on"!
The really good news is that I am now very nearly totally dry. I've been dry at night since Day1, but now I'm dry also during the day, apart from maybe a small "dribble" if anything unexpected happens e.g. cough, sneeze or someone bumping into me; but if I can prepare my body for it, then all is well.
Now, to the sometimes thorny subject of PFEs (Pelvic Floor Exercises). Some people say they work and some say they are a waste of time. I started doing PFEs about two months before my op and I've been doing them daily ever since (six sessions of ten contractions). No matter what other people may say, I AM CONVINCED 100% that my progress is linked to me doing the PFEs on a regular basis. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.
I wish all men who have had the op or who are waiting to have it the very best wishes. Yes, having a prostate removed and the after effects are not something I would have wished for . . . . . . but it's much better than being dead!
Best of luck to you all.