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Biopsies and informed consent - experiences,information and support,after effects,variation,patient information leaflets

Posted 22 Oct 2017 at 20:26

again-it was not a generalisation,but a question..the 'generalisation' was within a national audit,amongst other informative bits and pieces-published in the information section on here.. And,as Clare points out,different people's willingness to accept risks depends on how much importance they attach to potential,(or aimed at) outcomes and the potential consequences of their choices..I have read the book you mention Clare..and also found 'living proof' by Michael Gearing-Tosh an interesting one..Ultimately,whatever choices are made are primarily my partner's,and as long as he feels happy with the (informed) choice he makes,I will wholeheartedly support him..

Edited by member 22 Oct 2017 at 22:58  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 22 Oct 2017 at 20:43

whilst continuing to look at how others negotiate their way around..and very grateful for their input-all valid..

Posted 22 Oct 2017 at 21:40

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Google enough and you can find any statistic to support your own position. Would be better not to generalise for the rest of us based just on your own experience and frustration though - you will find just as many people with the opposing view as those that share it.

Hi Lyn,

I have read your post a couple of times but not sure what you mean re the generalise comment... it seems to be in relation to:


But that seems unlikely?

Could you clarify?




Edited by member 22 Oct 2017 at 22:28  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 Oct 2017 at 12:13

Google enough and you can find any statistic to support your own position. Would be better not to generalise for the rest of us based just on your own experience and frustration though - you will find just as many people with the opposing view as those that share it.

I too have read the post again-was not aware that there is a 'rest of us' I was 'generalising for'-was under the impression that info published on here was for all,or any of us.to look at and take into consideration,as it may be of interest?

And surely,everybody can decide for themselves whether it is worth considering or not..As-or am I wrong in this-none of us here are 'experts',or qualified to give medical advice,merely able to share,drawing on  personal experience,good,bad or indifferent-what exactly are you implying by 'would be better'?

Posted 23 Oct 2017 at 16:49

have messaged you.

Posted 23 Oct 2017 at 17:09

[edited by mod]

Edited by moderator 24 Oct 2017 at 10:46  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 Oct 2017 at 19:04

[edited by mod]

Edited by moderator 24 Oct 2017 at 10:53  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 Oct 2017 at 20:50

[edited by mod]

Edited by moderator 24 Oct 2017 at 10:45  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 Oct 2017 at 23:42

I think this thread has moved away from the essence of the initial post and has lost it's way!

We know from experiences members have posted over the years that the quality and quantity of information provided to patients at various stages varies considerably from one hospital to another, sometimes being well short of adequate. We also know that in some cases it takes too long to obtain appointments and obtain results. There are a number of reasons for this but mainly insufficiently well trained and too few medical staff within the NHS to cope with the number of patients, poor administration (which I have experienced first hand) and slow nationwide roll out of latest equipment are the main ones and lack of funding. So good though NICE guidelines may be, many hospitals cannot comply with them in some respects and still treat the ever increasing number of patients presenting with PCa.and many other diseases. There can be very few people in the UK who are unaware of the struggle the NHS has to cope with demand for all medical attention from GP's to Consultants. In cases where a patient considers he has been particularly badly treated he can take his case up with PALS and further. (We had one member - now sadly deceased -who organized a demonstration at his hospital if I recall correctly).

I don't think an individual will have much success in changing the situation as it is in the NHS. I am sure various bodies representing patients have tried. All UK Governments have sold the NHS short in training, retaining and funding sufficient medical staff, providing state of the art equipment and dealing with issues that have a knock on effect for the NHS. Perhaps this is why according to an article in the Daily Express the number of UK patients seeking treatment abroad has increased threefold.

As detailed under my bio, I had my primary treatment in Germany. They have beds awaiting patients there, not patients waiting for beds, also a much better doctor to patient ratio, more cutting edge equipment and much shorter waiting times. An efficient and much improved service could be provided in the UK too if there was the will and the Government made available funds although it would take time due to having to train medical staff or attract them from abroad. Most people in the UK say they love the NHS and many say they would be prepared to pay an additional ring fenced tax to improve it.

In the 9 or so years I have been a member of this forum I think the number of people who have been unhappy with the support/responses they have received could be counted on one hand, whereas numerous members, past and present, have signified their appreciation for the support and information provided by members, many of whom do so notwithstanding their own ongoing struggle with PCa and how it is severely affecting their lives.

Edited by member 24 Oct 2017 at 12:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 24 Oct 2017 at 10:44

Hi, all -

We've had a few report notifications about this thread. I can't make a completely clear judgement as to what's going on here, as we can't see the content of your private messages.

There's been a bit too much dancing around what people might be saying and might be implying that's gradually turned vicious - and that's rather a shame, as much of the content here is extremely helpful.

Disagree with each other by all means, but please keep it respectful, open and constructive. More than that, please keep it impersonal.



Posted 24 Oct 2017 at 12:15
Thanks james
Posted 24 Oct 2017 at 13:22

Thank you Barry!

I do appreciate any constructive input-as previously stated=,and am grateful for other's thoughts, experiences and signpostings.As I am for PC Uk's ongoing campaigning for better information provision and treatment..

Not everybody is in a position to seek treatment abroad,and whilst I am very happy for those who can,I feel for those who would like to have that option but simply can't-ourselves included.

I also feel there is room for opening up dialogue with medics at a local level-human beings, often bogged under by time constraints and pressures from higher up.. unless it is recognised that patients have valuable input to offer (should they wish to do so),things will not necessarily improve..In conversation with a manager in cancer services a while ago, the NHS was described to me as a business,a 'service provider'-paid for like any other service  (Phone,gas..).

The most successful businesses apparently use 'customer' feedback and concerns raised as free consultancy-and,given the expressed wish and encouragement (in literature and online)to giving feedback within GP and hospital setting,that seemed to tie in line with that sentiment.

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