Sad to report that Superman Si died this afternoon in Ness’s arms. She posted on FB that he chose how and when and his wishes were followed to the letter, which pretty much sums up how he approached his cancer.
Si was diagnosed 7 years ago with a PSA of 5.9 and extensive mets. I am fairly sure he was the first man on here to have early chemo - at that time there was no research to support this approach but Si was blessed with a brilliant onco who used his initiative and trusted Si’s instincts. Ness would perhaps be embarrassed by this but I have been in awe of her strength; in many ways she has had to be more brave than either Si or his doctors just to be able to support him with his wackier ideas. Last year’s attempt at testosterone flooding was not successful but other men in the future will no doubt benefit from his trail-blazing.
Don’t anyone ever tell me again that someone said PCa is a ‘good’ cancer to get. Ness is too young to be a widow and his lovely twins are too young to be burying their daddy - John and I are so sad tonight.
Fly free Superman Si xxx
Edited by member 16 Sep 2019 at 00:03
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