Good Morning Chris
I still have pain on my tummy but I' still manage to walk around.
Anyway..I think I know why it's partly my mistake really because of I'm not taking the right medicine's I'm suffering foolishly.
Here is the problem.
When they discharged me from the hospital they given me prescriptions but .they didnt give me pain killers .So before I admitted to hospital I bought some pain killers of panadol and I ve been taking them.
This morning I made a phone call to hospitals specialist nurse. . She asked me that If I have been taking paracetamol and IBUPROFEN. I said no.than she said why not? Did they not give them to you before you discharged?I said pain killers given to me!
She asked for my name NHS numbers etc than she confirmed that I was given prescriptions to buy from the community
Anyway she apologised and said she would findout about it why not I was given them pain killers
Than she said to me I should go to a corner shop (If there is one) get them or chemist. And I must not stay in doors must do walking exercise.
Anyway that is it my update so far.
Thanks for your concern Chris