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55 Years old Just diagnosed with prostate cancer

Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 02:06
It would be helpful to show your diagnosis and major developmentsbunder your Profile/Bio, as it tends to be lost if only in threads which members have to spend time searching for.
Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 05:29
Barry..Sure Noted.
True since I joined here it's sometimes hard to find some friends answers/comments.
Promise would do what you say.
Thanks for your advise
Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 06:37

Is it just coincidence or the time of year but we seem to be getting a few unbelievable " stories".


Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 07:33
DR, you've ignored the very reasonable question you've been asked. In another thread you said that yesterday morning you'd been told that your op was back on, and yet in this thread, late yesterday you were still saying it had been cancelled. Why would you do that?

This entire thread is starting to smell very strongly of a hoax to me.

Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 07:58

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Is it just coincidence or the time of year but we seem to be getting a few unbelievable " stories".



It is more than coincidence. I was thinking how interesting it is that a few days after I posted to someone to get advice about sperm freezing, we have two new members who have both, amazingly, been offered sperm freezing. As far as I know, we have only ever had one member who had that, and he died a couple of years ago. That’s how rare it is. 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 08:13
Just messaged you Lyn, but your inbox is full.
Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 08:25
I personally think DR is a genuine person with a limited command of English, but are there a regular crop of impostor visitors with fake sob stories?

If so, how sad must they be?

Cheers, John.
Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 14:27

Hi everyone,

I wanted to post a reminder about the purpose of our online community is to provide a welcoming and supporting place where people can share information and support each other through personal experiences of prostate cancer and prostate problems.

If you see a message on the community or receive a private message that you are concerned about please tell us by emailing your concerns to: onlinecommunity@prostatecanceruk.org.

Every post has a report facility on it so you can report a message you have concerns about and the moderation team will be notified and can then take appropriate action.

Best wishes,

Digital Manager
Prostate Cancer UK



Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 18:44


I have tried to report posts to you in the past but this is what happens: 

I click the 'report post' tab.

It opens and I write my post.

I click on 'send'.

A pop up box appears that says, 'are you sure you want to report this post?'

I click yes.

Another screen appears and says 404 not found.

So I cannot report it???


Of course we all want to help someone here, but there will always be trolls and sad people who post what they do for whatever reason is applicable to them.  Had DarkRainbow not posted his second thread, while there was some doubt in his first his assertion that the operation was off then on again but misled another member by continuing the deception, we would be none the wiser.  The second thread is a moan about the nursing staff but he has already stated this in the first.  Something is not right!!!  

Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 19:38

Carol.   Do you think this person is genuine?




Posted 06 Dec 2018 at 19:43

In my work I have written communication from many people who do not have a good grasp of English. However, this appears to have been written in a way to make it look like there is not a full command of the English language rather than a natural flow of writing.

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 10:52

Hi Chris 

I had the operation last Thursday midday. It was an unexpected operation as the operation was due yesterday  actually (8th of december)

But they cancelled that than last Wednesday I had a phone call 

They asked me if I want to go ahead with operation Thursday. I said yes I'm. So had the operation but since than have awful feelings. 

After the surgery operation I was feeling sick rest of the day so they didn't make me walk or sit on the chair. 

Now I'm back to my flat I'm trying to walk little by little  but still so I get pains in my tummy. 

It's so awful when you live on your own. 

Not pretending to be pitty but they should reallt keep us patients after such a major surgery at least a week!

What do you think?



Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 11:19

If you did have this surgery they would not send you home if it was unsafe to do so. As you know the NHS does not have sufficient resources to be used as a hotel for lonely people. Presumably you have some friends?

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 11:35
Yes I have a friend whom collected me from the hospital.
Not being silly but they did not not even say how much water I SHOULD consume until what time of the day last time ..7pm ? 8 pm ?
Anyway maybe I'm too fussy.
Thanks for your kind respond
Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 11:49
You should be drinking plenty - why would you stop at 7-8pm? How are you getting on with injecting yourself? I am surprised that you have a lot of tummy pain; usually it is the shoulders and testicles that hurt most immediately after prostatectomy. Or perhaps you had to have open surgery rather than da Vinci with it being such short notice?
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 12:32

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member



Not pretending to be pitty but they should reallt keep us patients after such a major surgery at least a week!

What do you think?




I had Da Vinci surgery and I was only kept in hospital for 24 hours..... Unless there are complications, that is standard practice in most hospitals..
Some pain is to be expected ....but normal over the counter analgesics will help..In any case you should have been discharged with enough pain relief medication to last for a few weeks ..

If you had open surgery it would be longer than 24 hours for obvious reasons..

Hope you recover soon 


Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 13:58

Hi Lynn 

Last night I drunk until 9 pm than went to bed by 10 pm but couldn't sleep. Had fear that incase of the night bag of catheter fills up than causes blockage than get an infection!

So will make sure that I will emptying my bladder first than go to sleep. 

Yes at the hospital had pain on my shoulders abdomen etc as well as tumny pain. 

I'm not sure if it's tummy or the stitches those on my tummy 

Thank you  

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 14:17
Hi Luther
This the description of my surgery operation
Robot assisted radical prostatectomy

I'm getting sharp pains on my tummy but not sure because of the stitches or not
Thank you

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 14:21

Hi Lynn

Injecting my self is not so painful. As long as you concentrate with it no problems. 

I did panic at the hospital I injected my self but pulled out before fully inserted the liquid. 



Thank you 


Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 15:32

Hi John many thanks for your kind thoughts and trust 


Dark rainbow 

Ps.what I don't understand is what's the point creating a fake profile or given false info?

I don't get it. What kind of benefits would anyone getst if they cheat on people here or lie to them?mislead the public?

Edited by member 10 Dec 2018 at 18:16  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 16:04

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Hi Luther
This the description of my surgery operation
Robot assisted radical prostatectomy

I'm getting sharp pains on my tummy but not sure because of the stitches or not
Thank you


Ok ...so you had a RARP
Da Vinci is the name of the American robot surgical system used here in the UK to carry out your RARP  ( I don't think there are any more systems being used at the moment)  ....but there may be others.. 

Your lower abdomen will be swollen and possibly tender at the moment
This could be due to gas that is pumped into your tummy in order to let the surgeon have some space to work in ... I doubt that stitches will be playing you up yet as the wounds are still pretty fresh... 

As always, if you're concerned contact the hospital or your specialist nurse.. 



Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 16:11


I assume you are connecting the night bag to the outlet of you leg bag. Assuming you have 2000 ml night bags and 500ml leg bags that is a capacity of 2.5 litres. I have managed 1.5 litres overnight a few times. Make sure the connections are tight and taps in the right position. If you have a spare strap attach the leg bag pipe to your ankle. Not sure how you can make sure your bladder is empty ,unless you mean your catheter bag.

Thanks Chris

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 16:32



Yes your right my tummy is so sensetive from bellt buttom toeards right end side. 

I'm struggling to get up /off the bed/chair/sofa etc 

I get Sharpe pains. 

Anyway as you mentioned its early days 

I would fallow your advise if the pain doesn't stop 

Many thanks 

Dark rainbow 

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 20:51

I was told by my surgeon,try short local drives at 3 weeks post-op,and then at four weeks,use common sense if I felt comfortable to go further,then do so,I am not going mad but  driving quite a few miles now and feel fine,just tire more easily

Edited by member 09 Dec 2018 at 20:52  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 21:17
Do you have stitches or staples in your incisions? If it's staples, you'll probably feel a lot more comfortable once they're removed, which will probably be around 10 days after the operation.

Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 21:25

Good Evening Chris 

They are stiches on my tummy one in the centre of my tummy two on the left and right hand side of my tummy 



Posted 09 Dec 2018 at 21:46


Thanks for your kind info. I live in London so I have no worry about driving. 

I prefer to use public transports. So that way I won't need to worry about for a special insurance to drive a car after the operation. 

Thank you 


Posted 10 Dec 2018 at 08:29

Good Morning Chris 

I still have pain on my tummy but I' still manage to walk around. 

Anyway..I think I know why it's partly my mistake really because of I'm not taking the right medicine's I'm suffering foolishly.

Here is the problem. 

When they discharged me from the hospital they given me prescriptions but .they didnt give me pain killers .So before I admitted to hospital I bought some pain killers of panadol and I ve been taking them.

This morning I made a phone call to hospitals specialist  nurse. . She asked me that If I have been taking paracetamol and IBUPROFEN. I said no.than she said why not? Did they not give them to you before you discharged?I said no..no pain killers given to me!

She asked for my name NHS numbers etc than she confirmed that I was given prescriptions to buy from the community 

Anyway she apologised and said she would findout about it why not I was given them pain killers

Than she said to me I should go to a corner shop (If there is one)  get them or chemist. And I must not stay in doors must do walking exercise. 

Anyway that is it my update so far. 

Thanks for your concern Chris 


Posted 10 Dec 2018 at 08:43
Hi Dark,

Very surprised that you were discharged from hospital with no painkillers - I was discharged with a vertitable chemist’s shop of drugs, including paracetamol, ibuprofen and Omeprazole (to counteract the stomach effects of regular ibuprofen), etc.

Fortunately, I didn’t need to use hardly any of them.

Where was your surgery carried out?

Cheers, John.
Posted 10 Dec 2018 at 10:17
DR, the forum rules prohibit naming medical staff. I'd suggest editing your message to remove them!

I wish you very best wishes for a rapid recovery.

Posted 10 Dec 2018 at 10:44

Hi Chris 

Thanks for your kind thoughts & wishes and the reminder. 


Dark Rainbow 

Posted 12 Dec 2018 at 18:15

Hi Neil

After you had the operation and lived with catheter that was attached to your after first week what did you do?

2nd week than 3rd week?


Thank you Darkrainbow 

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