Update on Tony,
He is doing quite a lot better at home but is quite exhausted after doing anything, he has no appetite and the renal dietician is precribing special milk shake type drinks to try to get him to put some wait back on, he can now get up and down the stairs as they put grab rails etc in place and hopefully he will move back in to our bedroom upsatairs very soon. Tony is still in pain although not as much as he was. Tony is due an appt this month with his oncologist but i am not looking forward to it as this what has come back from the
Xray and scan he had after the fall. (Thoracic spine structure (Xa9ZC) - Abnormal marrow deposits, within inferior aspect of T9 and T4 as well as left aspect of C5 - suspicious for metastatic deposits (New Episode)Suspected malignancy (1J0..) - Suspected bone mets)
I havent mentioned this to Tony but it does not look good to me but will just wait to see with my fingers crossed,
regards Barbara x