We’re confused about Paco’s treatment being the right or wrong one.
Due to BCR he´s just gone over 33 RT sessions to the two spots showed in PSMA PET at 0.33 PSA level, four years post Da Vinci RP: one illiac lymph node and one in SVB. Also his whole pelvis was radiated as a preventive measure in case of mycromets, I assume, but he finally took only 21 instead of the 33 that were scheduled as he was feeling poorly with diarrhoea and pee issue. So, 12 whole pelvic sessions were skipped. I still get irritated when I recall, in response to my question about “more likelihood to relapse again”, the oncologist said “I do not have a glass ball”.
One month later blood test was ok: 0.21 testosterone and 0.04 PSA. At that moment Paco happened to have his protocol visit to the urologist. “Doing ok”, he said, but we felt surprised when the uro, kind of surprised too, asked if he was still being given the Eligard jabs. I mean, he has been on Eligard for six months so far, and the plan is adding 2 years counting from the moment RT was over. 30 months in all.
In addition to this, when I asked the same question to the uro about having missed 12 sessions to whole pelvis he honestly said “if it had been my decision, I wouldn’t planned radiating other than the two spots, but this is my criteria, and Dr. X is an excellent onco and you are in good hands and bla bla bla.”
To resume, is he being over-treated? He is 73, will he recover his hormones, or, will he recover from the side effects?
I wonder if the onco has seated at his table for a while and examined Paco´s history thoroughly enough to decide his future or he has just applied “plan X”. I know from here and from many other sites I’ve searched on that cases are different each other: Gleason pre op, Gleason post op, PSA kinetics, biopsy, age…Am I paranoid?
Next Wednesday he’s seeing an onco here, in our city. He’s our best friend’s friend, so, although it will take place at the hospital he leads, somehow will be a “friendly consultation”, but why not say “second thought”? Depending on his opinion we’ll have to decide what to about it.
I need your advice, your opinion. Your words. I feel a bit lonely in this journey. My daughter lives in USA and my sons don’t seem to have any intention to get involved in our troubles or hesitations.
Many of you here are more knowledged than doctors but, mainly, you’re experienced and smart patients, wives, carers, etc, and that conditions enable you to understand others in a similar condition.
I’ll be thankful.
Best to all.
Edited by member 14 Aug 2022 at 17:15
| Reason: Not specified