I sent the text which follows as an email to Sadie earlier today when I couldn't access this thread.
I intended to post this on http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/posts/t10026-Slow-site-response-and-Internet-Explorer-issues - but I cannot get into it as explained below. I will post it on that thread at a later date. Meanwhile this sets out some of the problems which are affecting me.
I have had trouble logging in since Friday 23 August. Sometimes I get in as an existing member but other times I have to enter my user name and password. This can happen on the same day. This has continued from 23/8/14 and is continuing today ... 27/8/14.
When I eventually get into the system the message “Since last visit...” , for example, reads, "Since your last visit on [date] there have been [8] new posts 0 new members and [2] new conversations" But sometimes there is not a list of new posts so I have to trawl through the conversations to find new stuff - which I don't do except for Diagnosis, Treatment and Personal stories. Other times, for example, when it says there have been 5 new posts I can see only 3 and these may not open due to the 404 message.
Tuesday, 26.8.14. When trying to access postings today I was presented with the following:
“404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”
This was particularly the case when trying to access postings under “Social” and “Personal stories” but also applied to other topics. This is continuing today - 5 new posts were shown for me this am. But only 3 where listed when I got in but I couldn’t open them because of the 404 Error mentioned.
Postings “by Peter Green” come up without a title so they untraceable unless you go via Peter’s profile.
I think there are comments from my earlier posts which may be outstanding. If I get time I may come back to you about those.
Problems have been put down to the individual’s browser. I have a new computer with new browsers for Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome installed - still cannot get in using Explorer. I have to wonder whether your new system is too sensitive and the browsers are OK?
Like many others when faced with these types of situations after nearly 4 months since the new system was introduced I don’t have the time to spend on trying to understand what is going on. I am doing other things and so this has to be a short note.
I have copied this to Carol Jones in case you are out of the office.