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Posted 11 Sep 2014 at 16:43

Hi All

I made my first post 2 days ago to introduce myself and I said that the side effects to HT weren't too bad - the worst being fatigue. It's surprising how quickly things move on. At 4.00am this morning I woke up to make one of my usual visits to the bathroom and felt as if I was in the south of France. I was so hot and my PJs were damp. No I wasn't too late for my visit! It looks as if the hot flushes have started. 

At least I now understand what Jenny has been going through the last few years. Hope it doesn't get too bad because I'm not sure that the recommended treatments for hot flushes are appropriate for me with my other health issues.

Perhaps those of you who have had this side effect can let me know how long it lasts and what is best for it if you needed to have some treatment.


Thanks to Ray, Dave and Alison for the responses to my first post



Posted 12 Sep 2014 at 07:08

Morning Michael


My Oh finds that the flushes can vary quite a lot day to day, but has adapted little things like sleeping under a sheet only (that he can whip off) and trying drinking different amounts throughout the day. (of course this gives rise to other night time waking up issues!!).

Some men on here recommend Sage but we have not tried that yet.

You may find that things settle down over time, but am sure others here will comment and help.

Good Luck!




Posted 12 Sep 2014 at 09:25
Hi Alison

Many thanks.

I don't get flushes during the day yet so it isn't too bad. We'll see how it develops.


Posted 12 Sep 2014 at 10:53


Pretty much lasted throughout my time on HT and for sometime afterwards, although they did reduce in intensity after circa 12 months. Likewise for me on varying intensity although I seemed to go for a particularly bad week followed by a good one.

Not much help drugs wise in my day plus I was averse to trying off the shelf remedies. My help was cotton wherever possible and learning to accept the hot flush will come and go rather that fret about it as for me that made them worse. Perhaps a small comfort is it shows HT is getting testosterone levels well down.


Posted 13 Sep 2014 at 10:14

Many thanks for your comments; I will certainly take note of them.

I think you are right about clothing and about learning to accept them and not get too stressed about them and, yes, they do confirm that testosterone levels must be low.

There is one thing - it might mean that I don't have to switch on the central heating so early this year!!

Best wishes


Posted 13 Sep 2014 at 12:30
Hi Michael

sounds like night sweats Eric had terrible night sweats change of PJ's at least 5 times each night and complete bed change he never new he was wet until his visits to the loo. On sayiing this he did have meds for this problem.

They did not work very well but I think it was a combination of his other underline medical conditions and all the meds he had to take.As for the hot flashes he never new he was having one we did he had a big beetroot face.

Hope they become managable when the HT kicks in.


Posted 13 Sep 2014 at 14:07

Hi Michael

Sorry to hear that you are suffering from the hot flushes too.  My Dad hasn't had too many side effects from the HT but hot flushes is certainly one of them.  I read on this site about Sage Tea which I can see has been mentioned to you too.  I told my Dad about it and he has recently started drinking it and so far, has found that it helps, so might be worth a try!!


Take Care



Posted 16 Sep 2014 at 15:13
Hi Carol and Rachel

Thanks for your advice. Sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I wasn't feeling too good on Saturday - had quite severe backache. I got down a little thinking that this awful disease was taking over my life but the next day I went to my grandaughter's 6th birthday party and, on seeing her smiling face, Ii told myself that I wasn't going to letting take over.

My hot flushes aren't too bad at the moment - only needed to change my PJs once! I don't get any flushes during the day. I suppose there is time for it to develop but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Alison mentioned Sage as well so if it does develop I will give it a try.

Thanks once again.

Best wishes


Posted 14 Oct 2014 at 20:19

Hi Michael,

I've been on implants for 30 months now.  Welcome to the South of France.  Like you I experience my worst sweats at night but also when stressed.  I went on a CBT trial at Guys and it's been immensely helpful.  I am almost able to control my flushes during the day but the night sweats are a pain. 

Best wishes,



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