Hi Paul,
I managed to get monthly tests because I have 3 sources: My oncologist, my uro-oncology specialist nurse, and my GP.
This was possible because I'm a patient of two hospitals (one where I was diagnosed, plus my main cancer treatment hospital, and of course my GP practice).
The Uro nurse sends me a blood request form every 3 months and we have a telephone review after each result. That's four tests
My oncologist sees me every 4 months, so that's another 3 blood tests.
And my friendly GP is happy to refer me for a PSA whenever I ask (in the right time frame).
Actually, I was so keen to see a monthly result for years, but these days I am happy with one every 6 weeks.
Honestly, I think three months is too long to wait for PSA tests. A lot can happen in that time.
That's just my own personal opinion, and I know a lot of our guys would baulk at the idea of monthly or 6-weekly testing.
I had a Zoladex jab a month ago. That will stay in my body for 12 weeks and then I'm stopping treatment.
My PSA has been constantly low for a while now, so it's time to take yet another hormone holiday.
Once off treatment I will be watching PSA levels like a hawk. No safety net then, is there? And my PSA WILL rise.
Hoping to get at least 18 months of increased energy and a return of libido before I have to dash back onto hormone therapy.
Wishing you all the very best,