Hi I must have sorted it ,the posting to PC UK that is. So here is a bit more about where i am . I might say that there was a time ,when like most people I would have said it will never happen to me ,and if I were honest probably knew a year or so before I went to get another psa test. You may remember there was a time five or so years ago, when it was thought it might be a good idea to look at the level of psa in all over sixty males .At that time mine was 1.9 and a normal prostate after DRE, but even then some abnormal peeing symptoms at night and frequent visits to the loo in the day. So I did the man thing and put it on the back burner until last year , when it got so bad I was getting up for 1-2 hrs until the need to pee passed ..I finally took the plunge just before our holls in june 2013 result psa 12.5 T3 with a gleeson of 4+3 and spread to seminal ves ,given the news in oct 13 and started prostap had both scans and 37 RT which started on the 6th of jan this year .The RT was fine ,and apart from the usual hot flushes no labido and ED alls well , but you have to be thank full ,as I think some one said on here {you wont be getting any when your dead ) . So on that cheery note have a good night and thanks for listening Stewart