welcome to the club.
Many guys on here are on the HT / RT path, some like yourself just starting and others well down that track.
I've been on it for 18 months or so, I've had my RT and HT jabs are the norm for me now.
As you have found, going onto HT causes your quality of life to drop to a new reality. However, the drop does stop and you hit the new base line.
You also become adapted mentally as well, you are going through a major upset in your life at the moment which has changes everything around you.
Keep going to the gym, it will at least reduce the waistline expansion speed.... :)
Hot flushes are a pain but they do settle / you get used to them (never really worked out which)
Your trouser dept will be closed for the duration I'd guess. There are some luckier guys who don't take that hit.
I wasn't one of them so I console myself with the fact that no testosterone = no cancer growth.
Bottom line is you will get used to your new 'normal', like the rest of us you will probably have a moan about the changes but hey - you are around to moan!
Chin up, it will get better.
All the best
p.s. nice MG