Hi Piglet ( do i really have to call you that http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)
I was diagnosed on the 23rd December 2012 with extensive mets but a PSA of 4.6, by early January i was on Chemo as first line treatment and had great results. I finished chemo in August and went straight on to Abiraterone and i am still on it now.
If you look at my thread Simon story there are pictures of my scans before and after chemo, i really did have good results.
Now my thoughts in my nutty world is if you have Chemo straight away then all of your cancers are wide awake and bushy tailed and absorb the chemo quicker, but if you use chemo later after HT then there might be just one cancer awake and the rest are still dormant and the chemo is not absorbed as quick by the dormant cells.
So in my nutty world and i am still researching, if i was to go back on chemo i would first stop HT have a shot of testosterone wake them all up then start chemo.
Now i must say my Onco thinks i am nuts as well, but as long as i get bloods tested every week to get the timing right that is my plan.
At this point i would also take the wife away for the weekend, ah the memories http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif
So if you get the chance of early chemo i would go for it.
Welcome to the nutty world of Si