Completely new to all this (computer forums and Prostate cancer!).
My husband was diagnosed in May this year. It was a complete shock and out of the blue as he had only gone along to the GP to "meet & greet" following moving house and registering with a new surgery. His father had prostate cancer and was diagnosed with bone mets at Christmas, so thought it would be worth a PSA test as he had now turned 50. No symptoms other than taking a bit longer to pee first thing in the morning. (Wasn't that normal for someone over 50?). Nothing could have prepared us for a PSA of 97, very quickly followed by hospital appointments, biopsies & scans (despite both having worked in the NHS for most of our working lives). To top it all our daughter was right in the middle of her GCSE's, so there was no way we could tell the kids what was going on.
Eventually the details were decided and the test showed a T3b tumor with a Gleason of 9, ? lymph node involvement but no bone mets. The plan of action was for about 3 months of hormone therapy followed by radiotherapy.
During this time I dipped in and out of the forum, just looking and reading peoples posts.
Initially the PSA dropped to 7.5; however then it started to go up again (currently 23) which obviously concerned us (and the health professionals) and we were told yesterday that there could be a couple of reasons, one possibly was a "funny glitch" however the other more concerning one was that the cancer had already spread (despite the earlier negative bone scan). Regardless it was decided that the plan should still be to start the radiotherapy (in 10 days) and we have opted (rightly or wrongly) to not have any further bone or full body scans until after the radiotherapy.
Having felt like our world had fallen apart in May, we had begun to get more positive and back on track; however I feel that this new information has hit me full on and I just felt the need to off load; hence why I have joined the forum. So, sorry to bore you all, but with no family locally and (please don't take this the wrong way) the others in all the clinics we have attended, several years older than us, I just sort of hoped there might be someone out there who knew how I felt. :(