Hello everyone,
I have been a member of an online support group regarding Corneal Grafts for several years and have found it very useful to talk to fellow sufferers-- in fact perhaps more useful than speaking to medical people who have not had the treatment that we have had.
I now find that I may have prostrate cancer as my PSA reading has jumped from 5-6 to 11 on last 2 tests I have had BHP for many years and have learned to live with it but this is a further step so have joined this group for support & information. I am due for tests at my local hospital next Thursday 13th ( unlucky for some ?) I had a biopsy some 8 years ago & it was clear. I am a fit 83 year old.
I found an interesting article in the Telegraph 2 days ago about some small scale trials carried out at University College London NHS Foundation Trust using High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. No overnight stay was required & a 90% success rate was claimed without debilitating side effects.
NICE plan to state next week that the treatment is safe & effective & larger scale trials should go ahead. Good News!!
Regards Terry W.