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End of Part 1 next? - Rt,ht,Depression

Posted 10 Nov 2014 at 16:19
Probably posted this in the wrong place last time.

Well here we are. Just over one year on and I've had my 6 week post RT follow up and been told to go away for 6 months!

Started last September with a PSA of 6.71, which led to a 12 needle biopsy giving a T2c, later regraded to T3a, where I had the initial choice of Da Vinci or HT + RT. after much soul searching, we decided that HT was more preferable, but were then told that because of the regrading, surgery was not a viable option. Ho Hum.

Usual route of Bicalutamide, then Zoladex, 1 monthly for 3 months, then Gold Seeds, then 37 days of 2 Gy. At the last meeting during RT, it was decided to go with Zoladex for a further 3 years, so switched to 3 monthly now.

Minor urine problem 2 days into RT, but other than that, no probs other than feeling really tired at the end.

PSA was down to 0.94 at the start of RT and 0.13 a month after finishing, so definitely the right way, but am still on Zoladex, so long time before I get a clear true number, but if all those x rays have done their job, it should be right anyway.

Had some 'brain' issues back in July ( see my entry What next ) that caused me to go on sick leave, then got drawn into the Occupational Health system. They insisted, in light of my 'issues', that I take off another 2 months, then go for a review about returning at the end of November. So got a while to go yet. Regrettably, I think the GP may be right about the anti depressants,  if I do need to go back on them, not sure how Occupational Health will view that in relation to driving, as they wanted me to return my licence to DVLC last time we met. Not happy about that at all.

So here we are, a ruined 2014, but a new start in 2015 to look forward too.

Hope everybody on the HT /RT path is doing well and not having any problems.

Good luck to all fellow sufferers and I hope the new year brings a better outlook for all of us.

Keep smiling, it makes you feel better.

Regards to all.



Been a while since I posted this and it's now nearly 8 weeks since I was signed off. Still have to live with the Zoladex of course, but life should be wonderful, shouldn't it?

If that's the case, how come I feel so down?

Feel like I've been abandoned, even th OH is losing that connection we developed during the process.

Is this a normal part of the disease? Or am I just over sensitive?

Thought I'd look forward to the end, but now it's arrived, I'm not so certain.

How about you others that have finished. How goes life?

Posted 10 Nov 2014 at 18:48

Chris, Sorry to see you back on here but welcome, and, yes, the mood swings are a normal pattern, but I'm surprised with being prescribed anti-depressants, having said that we all are different in our reaction to HT, I only have the hot flushes which started years ago and haven't stopped, even though I'm on an HT holiday.

Hope that the New Year brings some relief.

Smiling and laughing use more muscles than frowning!

So keep smiling,


Posted 08 Dec 2014 at 16:02

Thanks Chris. Still got the mood swings and am now having Acupuncture to try to alleviate the flushes. Funny process, can't see how sticking 9 needles in feet, legs and hands can do anything, but it does. Just need to fine tune it now. Still off work, not been in since mid August, still feel very fatigued, sometimes even standing up is hard work. Had a chat with Occupationsl Health back in September, they recommended 2 months off and then review. Had the review meeting couple of weeks ago, didn't go well, he pushed me a bit too hard and I broke down in tears and left the office. OH was also in tears at my distress and when I returned 10 mins later, we concluded by agreeing I'm still not fit to return to work, to continue with the 'not fit to work' certificates, and he would recommend that I'm considered for early retirement on health grounds. Sounds ok, will be very tight financially, but better than breaking down under stress, so got a new cert and was awaiting info of the early retirement scheme.
Friday I get his report that will go to my line manager. Essentially it says, Mr W is fit to return to work provided measures are taken to ease him back in gently??? Where did that come from? I break down in his office, and I'm fit to go back. Not.
Spent the weekend putting together a response, but the Occupational Health people won't change an opinion, only 'factual errors, such as an incorrect date of birth'. So not going to take any notice of me then. Ruined the weekend, now I'm in a total tiz about what happens next. This is like Nikon Steve, just when you thought it was going well, the system, jumps up and bites you in the bum. Not happy.
More to follow.

Posted 08 Dec 2014 at 18:56

Well fortunately for you the occ health department cannot decide you are fit to work if your GP is saying otherwise. I would go and have a heart to heart with your GP and get some advice from your union (if you belong to one) - if not could you join? In my experience, the union reps are exceptionally good at negotiating packages and challenging erroneous OH reports. In most companies, the OH service is under pressure to offer a cost effective service to their commissioner ( the employer) and they are perhaps hoping to get you out without a package - they might need reminding about the Equality Act and implications for cancer patients.

Challenge, use your GP, join the union, get legal advice if necessary!

Edited by member 08 Dec 2014 at 18:57  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 08 Dec 2014 at 22:12

Great advice Lyn


This may be useful


Edited by member 08 Dec 2014 at 22:22  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 15:46

Thanks for your responses and advice. Apologies for the delay in responding, been away with no wifi.
Have had two written con versations with oh, both pretty useless, they seem determined that their opinion is final and fixed. Have written again today to remind them of the process that they should be following after a conversation with a family member who has had many dealings with oh in the past, we'll see if that brings forth a change. If not, a trip to citizens advice or a specialist lawyer may be in order. Fortunately, my go is on my side and I sure will assist if necessary, but I do need the package to make it financially viable.
I bet if they were in my position, they would be wanting what I want as well, but at the moment, I seem to be the enemy to be kept at bay by all means. Nice.
Anyway, everybody out there, regardless of condition, have a really great Christmas and may 2015 bring forth a great deal more cheer than 2014.

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