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Post RT PSA result good news.

Posted 15 Dec 2014 at 21:14

Hi folks,

I was at the doctors today to get an antibiotic for a throat infection.

While I was there I asked her about a PSA test done on 11/12/2014 in preparation for my RT follow up review on Christmas Eve.

This was my first  PSA test since completion of my RT at the end of September 2014 and she said the PSA result was < 0.2 and an excellent result and considered virtually undetectable, I am well chuffed.

I now know there will be no nasty surprises on Christmas Eve and I can really enjoy the holidays.

All in I have been really fortunate that the RT has worked so well and I had no side effects at all from the treatment.

I am also on HT (Zoladex LA) and again have handled it really well, I had some hot flushes for the first six months but since then I have been free of any side effects, long may it continue.

I hope people following on behind me and considering RT and HT, can see from my example that it is not always as bad as some cases you read about on here. A lot of people will post if things go wrong, but if everything goes well they may not come back on and you might not hear as many positive stories as you should about treatment results. Every bit of good news is a ray of light to people who have this horrid disease it gives them encouragement and hope and should ALWAYS be posted in my opinion.

Good luck and best wishes to ALL who are fighting or affected by cancer.



Edited by member 16 Dec 2014 at 16:09  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 15 Dec 2014 at 21:14

Hi folks,

I was at the doctors today to get an antibiotic for a throat infection.

While I was there I asked her about a PSA test done on 11/12/2014 in preparation for my RT follow up review on Christmas Eve.

This was my first  PSA test since completion of my RT at the end of September 2014 and she said the PSA result was < 0.2 and an excellent result and considered virtually undetectable, I am well chuffed.

I now know there will be no nasty surprises on Christmas Eve and I can really enjoy the holidays.

All in I have been really fortunate that the RT has worked so well and I had no side effects at all from the treatment.

I am also on HT (Zoladex LA) and again have handled it really well, I had some hot flushes for the first six months but since then I have been free of any side effects, long may it continue.

I hope people following on behind me and considering RT and HT, can see from my example that it is not always as bad as some cases you read about on here. A lot of people will post if things go wrong, but if everything goes well they may not come back on and you might not hear as many positive stories as you should about treatment results. Every bit of good news is a ray of light to people who have this horrid disease it gives them encouragement and hope and should ALWAYS be posted in my opinion.

Good luck and best wishes to ALL who are fighting or affected by cancer.



Edited by member 16 Dec 2014 at 16:09  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 11:29

That really is good news! I also went down the HT/RT route. HT (Prostap in my case) went down from 5.2 at diagnosis to 0.1 pre-RT. After 37 sessions of RT mid-March - mid-May 2014 and continuing HT my PSA fell to <0.01. I've had minimal side effects: a bit of bowel looseness and mild hot flushes, but nothing requiring medical intervention. Long may it continue for us both and others who are on this treatment path!

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 11:58

Good news and hope your PSA continues to fall as it often does for months after RT.

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Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 11:29

That really is good news! I also went down the HT/RT route. HT (Prostap in my case) went down from 5.2 at diagnosis to 0.1 pre-RT. After 37 sessions of RT mid-March - mid-May 2014 and continuing HT my PSA fell to <0.01. I've had minimal side effects: a bit of bowel looseness and mild hot flushes, but nothing requiring medical intervention. Long may it continue for us both and others who are on this treatment path!

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 11:58

Good news and hope your PSA continues to fall as it often does for months after RT.

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 16:21

Thanks for the comments guys, very much appreciated.

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 16:57

Hi Gerry,

That's brilliant news, really pleased for you.

Settle back and enjoy a great Christmas.  You deserve it.


Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 18:17

Hi Gerry,

Congratulations on those results. We hope the O.H.'s are as good in Feb. He too has had minimal side effects after high dose brachytherapy and R.T. completed in August.

It is so worth it.

Have a lovely time at Christmas,El.

Posted 16 Dec 2014 at 18:23

Thanks Steve, you have had a terrible time recently, I hope you and your family have a very nice Christmas.

Thanks EL, I hope your OH also gets excellent results from his RT, and you also both have a very nice Christmas.

I have just realised it is my cancerversary today, exactly one year ago today 16/12/2013 I was diagnosed with PCa, a horrible day.

I can't believe how quickly the year has gone, but I look forward to the New Year with a very positive attitude now that my cancer has had it's ass severely kicked with RT.



Edited by member 16 Dec 2014 at 18:27  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 18 Dec 2014 at 22:59

Hi Everyone
Having just been diagnosed is RT treatment a good option i have a PSA of 6.8. Need to know a little more as i am new to this game?
Graham S

Posted 18 Dec 2014 at 23:03


Sorry you find yourself here but you'd be better starting your own thread/post.
In the meantime you could download the toolkit from the PCUK website. This will inform you of the various treatments available.

I have you had a biopsy, MRI, bone scan yet?


Edited by member 18 Dec 2014 at 23:05  | Reason: Not specified

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