These were the words my prostate nurse said to me when I casually mentioned that my urine stream had been getting gradually weaker and I first noticed it about two months ago. Why I didn't mention it at the time was probably a mixture of it will get better / go away and if it didn't, well if that's the only lasting side effect I get from having a RALP, then I could consider myself lucky.
Boy, was I wrong. "Looks like you could have a uthrethral stricture" she said (confirmed subsequently by a flow test). "You should have mentioned it when you first noticed it as these things usually get worse, not better".
Next thing I knew I was being booked in for treatment. "How does Christmas Eve grab you?", "Oh and you'll likely have to wear a catheter for a week!". Me "What joy!".
Anyway, luckily, a slot was found for me yesterday and, under a general, I had a optical urethrotomy. Now getting used to a catheter again, a funny walk and a bucket by the bedside at night. Roll-on Monday.
So, more of a 'take home' message... if you do experience a weaking of your urine flow and / or multiple stream, urgency, dribbling after emptying your bladder, blood in urine (many of which I had too!), don't do as I did, but get in touch with your prostate team. Googling, it seems a stricture is quite common if you've had a RALP (@20% of cases).