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Results from bone scan.

Posted 02 Jan 2015 at 20:10
My Dad has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and we are waiting to find out his gleason score. My dad is also having a bone scan within the next 10 days. This is all rather scary, my Dad has been ill for many years suffering from many different and rare illnesses and now this. My mum has had cancer too and im feeling quite overwhelmed with how im feeling. We are just trying to focus on other things until we know more and get more results. However, my main question is, when do you get results from the bone scan? On the day? Or is it more waiting? Thank you in advance.
Posted 03 Jan 2015 at 05:50

Hi Liz
you have come to the right place to ask questions and seek support.

In answer to your question unfortunately your dad won't get the results on the day. I think mine took about a week to come back.
Is your dad also having an MRI scan?

It may help to download the toolkit from the PCUK website in the publications section. This will give you loads of information about the diagnosis and possible treatment options.

Please ask any questions there are many people on here who can share their experience and knowledge


Posted 03 Jan 2015 at 07:20

I am georgina and I am having trouble negotiating the site. I am in the same boat waiting on further test results. We have the biopsy report from the GP because the urologist is on holidays until the 12 jan. The GP I am sure has minimised the severity o my husband's Cancer as whilst most of the 17 cores score 3+3. There is one core that shows ductal as well as acinar Cancer and this score is 4+3. I cannot tell my children much because the things I read about ductal Cancer are too scary

Posted 03 Jan 2015 at 09:03

Good morning and welcome Lizibet and Georgina

The reasons yiu are here are not so great but the site is.

There is a lot of support on here so keep posting and asking your questions.

Echo Brian, download the Toolkit as it is a great help.

If either of you has a particular worry it may help to talk it over with the site's nurses.

Georgina, in what way are you having trouble negotiating the site.
Perhaps one of us can help you. It would probably be best for you though to post on that separately as any advise required may be lost in Lizibet's original post.

Best Wishes both


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 03 Jan 2015 at 11:39

Hi Grea, what we really could do with is for the moderators to move your post into a thread of your own. But in the meantime, I think you should stop googling - ductal prostate cancer is very rare but most of the info on the internet is not relevant to your case. I doubt the GP is minimising the results but he may not know very much about prostate cancer.

You really need to wait until you see the specialist - with only one core showing ductal, there is a really good chance that your OH has been diagnosed early enough for curative treatment .... the specialist may recommend that surgery is the best option in your case though as ductal PCa does not always respond to hormone treatments well.

I don't think you should tell the children anything just yet - perhaps best to wait for the proper results first.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 03 Jan 2015 at 11:48

Hi Lizibet, the waiting is always the worst bit but try to focus your mind on the positives - mum had cancer and survived and now there is a good chance your dad will survive too - there are so many treatments available. Judging by your age, I am guessing your dad is quite young?

What happens at some hospitals is that all the biopsies are done, the bone scan is done and then the man's results are looked at by a weekly multi-disciplinary team (which usually includes urologists and oncologists and specialist nurses). The MDT then discusses what treatment options they think are best and make a recommendation. The man then attends an appointment with one of the doctors or a specialist nurse to get the results and find out what treatment is being recommended.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 03 Jan 2015 at 12:40
Hi Lyn just seeing your face has cheered me. You are so sensible and positive. I am all over the place emotionally and have decided to stop googling. It is frustrating having to wait for the specialist but we have a holiday with our children planned for next week so I will try to be more positive.. Cheers Georgina
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