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Off the rocks for a while, still on the road - Radiotherapy IMRT,ADT,salvage radiotherapy

Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 18:30

Hi All

I want to pass on bit of good news.

I am almost exactly 2 years post LRP and the subsequent and almost immediate detection of biochemical failure and subsequent salvage radiotherapy 18 Months ago.

I went to see my my oncologist today to get the results of the test I had a fortnight ago and it has come back down to undetectable (my hospitals definition of undetectable is < 0.01) from 0.02 4 months ago.

While I managed to keep the demons packed away since Septembers test they got out after the last test and have plaguing me  for the last fortnight.

I wonder if I have seen the effects of the RT working over an extended period after the treatment (I am now 17 months post RT).

I can - will - come off ADT in May and that is my contribution to Radicals done with, they will then follow me up for 8 more years. After the next 4 monthly check-up it drops to 6 monthly, I think until year 5 then annually assuming I don't hit another rocky patch.

Bri - if you read this good luck for your next test, though I don't post much now I have been following your story.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone suffering, or supporting someone, with this foul, rotten disease that brings us all together on this site.



Edited by member 09 May 2015 at 15:24  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 19:19

Hi Batholith,

If I understand your post correctly you had an op and an immediate recurrence which was zapped by RT?

Excellent news for you and any others in s similar position reading this.

I have just come to terms with my mortality, and the fact that I am now thinking 5 more years will be nice.

But your hopes and results are lovely to read about, I wish you well.


Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 19:54

Great results. We were dx and had our ops about the same time. I recall the dismay I felt at your 6 week test and the further dismay when you left the forum.

So, brill to hear your results and brill to see you posting and looking positively to the future.

Feb 6th will be my two year mark since the operation, can't believe it. My PSA is dropping slowly since the RT finished 16 months ago...0.037 in September so not reached your hospitals undetectable yet...but fingers crossed. Not had to experience any HT yet either.

perhaps you will break your no drinking regime and have a celebratory one ;-)


Edited by member 20 Jan 2015 at 19:56  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 19:56

Don't know much about your personal journey or treatment path Batholith......... but I know enough to know that your latest result is very good news!

Best Wishes



Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 21:23

Hi Guys
Dave, yes 6 weeks after LRP my psa was 0.25 then 0.3 a few weeks after that and yes ADT then RT to take another shot at it.

Bri, I am quaffing a glass of Eisberg right now!

Luther, I think it is a fairly standard path (used a lot in the US) and yes the latest result is very good news for quite a few reasons.


Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 21:43

Good to see your name pop up Batholith - and great to see you have hit a new nadir! John reached his nadir about 18 months post salvage RT so very similar story

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 21 Jan 2015 at 10:22

I drop in and read more good news – well done.

Not on a trial but my PSA checks after HT were initially 6 months then down to 3 months at the first sign of concern then back to 6 months with a bit or pushing from me.


Posted 09 May 2015 at 16:24

Brilliant news - good luck for the future!

Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 09 May 2015 at 19:43

Well done Andy...your story will give hope to.others

I agree about doing things now rather than waiting...you should get over to.Leicester in June. .I believe there are some rooms left...we could have a couple of celebratory beers


Posted 10 May 2015 at 18:47
Brilliant news Andy

good to see you being positively reflective about the surgery even though it did not work entirely, your latest results show that you are now in a much better place.
Posted 11 May 2015 at 23:18

I think John would mirror your thoughts Batholith - that two years post RT point is a watershed emotionally. At your stage, John's onco was practically dancing on the desk with self-congratulation 😃

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 12 May 2015 at 06:23

Well done Batholith. Very pleased for you.
Best Wishes

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 19:19

Hi Batholith,

If I understand your post correctly you had an op and an immediate recurrence which was zapped by RT?

Excellent news for you and any others in s similar position reading this.

I have just come to terms with my mortality, and the fact that I am now thinking 5 more years will be nice.

But your hopes and results are lovely to read about, I wish you well.


Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 19:54

Great results. We were dx and had our ops about the same time. I recall the dismay I felt at your 6 week test and the further dismay when you left the forum.

So, brill to hear your results and brill to see you posting and looking positively to the future.

Feb 6th will be my two year mark since the operation, can't believe it. My PSA is dropping slowly since the RT finished 16 months ago...0.037 in September so not reached your hospitals undetectable yet...but fingers crossed. Not had to experience any HT yet either.

perhaps you will break your no drinking regime and have a celebratory one ;-)


Edited by member 20 Jan 2015 at 19:56  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 19:56

Don't know much about your personal journey or treatment path Batholith......... but I know enough to know that your latest result is very good news!

Best Wishes



Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 21:23

Hi Guys
Dave, yes 6 weeks after LRP my psa was 0.25 then 0.3 a few weeks after that and yes ADT then RT to take another shot at it.

Bri, I am quaffing a glass of Eisberg right now!

Luther, I think it is a fairly standard path (used a lot in the US) and yes the latest result is very good news for quite a few reasons.


Posted 20 Jan 2015 at 21:43

Good to see your name pop up Batholith - and great to see you have hit a new nadir! John reached his nadir about 18 months post salvage RT so very similar story

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 21 Jan 2015 at 10:22

I drop in and read more good news – well done.

Not on a trial but my PSA checks after HT were initially 6 months then down to 3 months at the first sign of concern then back to 6 months with a bit or pushing from me.


Posted 09 May 2015 at 15:15

Hi Everyone,

I went to see my fantastic oncologist this morning and my PSA is < 0.01 undetectable, I am now on 6 monthly testing for the next 3 years then yearly. I meant to ask him lots of questions about coming off ADT but we ended up talking about the ML Programming Language which I am learning for work!




A positive chronology

For all of you are recently diagnosed with localised or locally advanced prostate cancer or with biochemical failure after prostatectomy there is hope here. Here is my story in a nutshell, it shows even even with knocks there are possibilities

Oct 12 PSA 13

Nov 12 DRE, TRUS Biopsy

Dec 12 Prostate Cancer confirmed, MRI, chose LRP

Jan 13 PSA 18 staging T2c or T3a N0 Mx, Prostate & all local lymph nodes removed - non-nerve sparing because of peri-Neural invasion and cancer near to prostate wall

Mar 13 PSA 0.25 that isn't good, should be undetectable 6-8 weeks post prostatectomy - look for articles on PSA half-life

Apr 13 PSA 0.35

May 13, Scheduled for RT started ADT, joined Radicals Trial

June 13, PSA 0.25

July 13 CT Scans

Aug 13 33 sessions of 2Gy RT started, worked full time right through RT but circumstances allowed it

Sept 13 PSA 0.02

Oct 13 PSA <0.01

Jan 14 PSA < 0.01

May 14 PSA <0.01

Sept 14 PSA 0.02 - oh dear!

Jan 15 PSA <0.01 - phew!

May 15 PSA <0.01 End of ADT

So I am one of those chose RP knowing that RT would be available should the RP fail which it did but the RT seems to have at least knocked it right back.

What were the side effects?

After RP incontinence but recovered full continence after 4 months. Total ED (expected)

After RT slight incontinence (started to come back at the very end of the 33 sessions and slowly got worst over about 6 months) It has been stable for about 1 year. Occasional and sight rectal mucus.

During ADT, mild tiredness hope that will go, may have brought on diabetes.

How am I now?

Still working full time, + part time lecturing. Reasonably healthy, looking forwards to the rest of my life, more inclined to do things now rather than wait.




Edited by member 11 May 2015 at 21:39  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 09 May 2015 at 16:24

Brilliant news - good luck for the future!

Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 09 May 2015 at 19:43

Well done Andy...your story will give hope to.others

I agree about doing things now rather than waiting...you should get over to.Leicester in June. .I believe there are some rooms left...we could have a couple of celebratory beers


Posted 10 May 2015 at 18:47
Brilliant news Andy

good to see you being positively reflective about the surgery even though it did not work entirely, your latest results show that you are now in a much better place.
Posted 11 May 2015 at 21:29

Thanks you 3!

I have no regrets about the surgery, it saw to the vast bulk of the cancer, but not the the tiny invisible amount that had escaped, and I have always found the near certainty that post prostatectomy PSA testing to be sort of reassuring even if frightening when it went up a bit 8 months ago! I don't think I would have been comfortable with the vagueness that you get from PSA tests when RT is the primary treatment.

The next PSA test is the crunch one, it will be after 6 months with no hormone suppression and just over 2 years post salvage RT if that is undetectable then I might allow myself to think of being free from prostate cancer for a good few years!

I think this is a good moment to praise the NHS in my area, run by a trust serving a huge cross border rural area. While there have been some less than satisfactory moments (which also happen the private sector) my treatment has been given by skilled, caring and knowledgeable people. 2 of my close family members have IBD one of them severely and they have both had a similar broadly positive experience, with one of them now on a very costly treatment which has worked marvels, bringing her life back to normal.

I think from discussions with colleagues in the US that with 3 of us with moderate to severe health issues over a period of 3 years then my family would be struggling financially with all the out of pocket expenses and partial insurance cover that seem to be common there. I think it is forgotten sometimes by those who advocate privatising health care that when the insurance money runs out or doesn't cover something the NHS steps in so private care in the UK is essentially backed up by the NHS.

Sorry rant over!

Edited by member 12 May 2015 at 21:29  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 11 May 2015 at 23:18

I think John would mirror your thoughts Batholith - that two years post RT point is a watershed emotionally. At your stage, John's onco was practically dancing on the desk with self-congratulation 😃

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 12 May 2015 at 06:23

Well done Batholith. Very pleased for you.
Best Wishes

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 14 Jun 2015 at 07:07

Just coming up to that same dateline myself
PSA test this week
good luck

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