Hi Gregory,
Don't assume that you will get burns or anything else we all have differing responses to radiation that is what the Rapper study is trying to find out about.
I did not get any significant burning, there might have been a slight reddening towards the end where each beam went in but that might have been my imagination and I was never sore.
The team will monitor what is happening with your treatment right the way through and and give advice at any time, at every treatment there is a good five minutes while they are getting things ready and you can ask questions if you want, you will meet others having treatment and can compare notes. In my hospital I had a talk with a senior radiologist every week where she would very specific questions about how I doing and I could ask her about anything that bothered me.
Treatment now is very accurate and designed to minimise damage to surrounding tissues while maximising the dose where it is needed.
I would advise you to listen to your oncology and radio therapy teams, and unless you have very strong reasons not to, take their advice. They are doing this work everyday and seeing hundreds of people every month and unless you are going to do a great deal of research their knowledge is the most reliable you will find.
Good luck with your treatment, you might even "enjoy" it