Unfortunately I have a rare and aggressive type of prostate cancer. I have Metestatic small cell cancer of the prostate. This had spread to lymph nodes and some small nodes in the lungs. I underwent 4 cycles of chemothepay (initially cisplatin and etoposide but could cope with side effect so switched to carbplatin and etoposide). This was ffollowed by 20 treatment of radiotherapy to consolidate the tumour in the pelvic.
These treatments proofe effective and the combination reduced the prostate back to near normal and cleare any milagnet cells from lungs and lymph nodes. All looking good!! However I started having leg pain and sores appearing on my
penis. After a couple of MRI scans as tumour was foud on my right sacrum and another penile tumor.
The oncologists are going to blast the tumour on the sacrum in one session of radiotherapy. They are not sure exactly what they are going to do with the other tumor but probably chemo to reduce the size followed by some radiotherapy.
Has anyone had expeience of small cell cancer or penile cancer? Both these type of cancers are rare and I have both. Can you share your experience and what treatment you had?
Also has anyone heard of the Supranetwork I believe is a network of oncologists, urologists, and palliative nurses who guide treatment of penile cancer but I have yet found anyone who has heard of them.