Briefly, I've had a RP just over a year ago. My consultant said his priorities were firstly to get rid of the cancer, secondly to manage continence issues and thirdly ED.
A splendid aim and all in the correct oder IMHO.
Regarding your incontinence - I can not think what else you can or should do. I had RRP May 2013, PFE did not work for me, so I have not done anything like that for 17 months and I continue to improve, don't ask how or why? It just gets better as time goes by. Have you not had any improvement as time goes by? Sometimes the improvements are so gradual that they become apparent all of a sudden.
As for ED, and your apparent belief on lack of real progress, what progress have you made? Are you any better than immediately post-op? If so that is progress, may not feel real or dramatic enough but you are on a long journey, not a sprint. Slowly slowly poppy uppy! Hopefully in good time. Believe me, that is the new way for us in this boat. A supportive pertinent IS the single most important factor in all of this recovery. Believe me, you are so very fortunate to have your partner on board and helping and assisting you. She is more valuable and important to you than any pump or pill.
So, what can you do that I know could work for you? What worked for me? Masturbate as often as you can, every opportunity, as often in a day as you can. Even if you have then massage your bits, often frequently, as often as you can. As I understand things this is all about stimulating blood flow to the area.
Intimacy with your other half and leaking issues, LOL been there, my X would not come anywhere near me after I dribbled less than a T-spoonful 5 months after my op. That was the end of our sexual relationship, actually end of relationship. No matter. You are more fortunate than I was.
So leaking issues , get intimate in the bath tub or the shower. Sorted. Or, get a towel besdie themed JIC. FCS it is only a bit of wee. Not likely to kill anyone.
As for recovery, this can take up to 2 years and then you will still propbably improve for more, so have faith, you are ONLY a year down the line.
The pills do different things for different men. And the dosage can be played with. There is talk about a priapism if you take too much too soon or mix meds. We live in hope!!
I have experimented with Cialis and Sildenafil with mixed results. One Cialis and 3 x Sildenafil in the space of one hour, interesting result that did not cause me any problems. I had tried 1 x Cialis and 1 x Sildenafil first, then 1 x Cialis and 2 x Sildenafil at other times so I knew that I would probably not come to harm, or hold a tent up.
Good luck, be patient, work at to with your partner, and all will be well.