Hello to All out there,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my concerns.
This is my first posting on this forum! I have a 77 year old father in the UK who up till two weeks ago has luckily been healthy and fit . Unfortunately he has been recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and we are now waiting to find out from the bone scan/ct scan if it has spread at all . What we do know is his Gleason score is 3 + 4 . He has seen a specialist and was prescribed Covex 50 mg plus injection in stomach periodically.
My father just happened to read the letter from the specialist today that he just received regarding his prescription . He immediately observed that he has been on 150 mg of Covex for e last two weeks instead of 50 mg! Three times the dosage he should have been on!!!! This was a complete error on someone's oart ans I am now very concerned on the side effects from him having taken this without knowing it was the wrong dosage until now. He alerted his GP who is putting him on the correct dose as of today and said it should be fine but I really would like some more feedback on this if possible please? Can someone please shed any light on the possible side effects , if any ? I know the liver must be affected from this and have read that with this drug people can die of liver disease within 3 to 6 months.
Also I am a UK citizen but live in USA. I love my Dad so much and am an only child. I would love to bring him to the US for some time or better still the whole time for some of his treatment if it were at all possible. I really want to be able to juice for him as cook and look after him. Does anyone know if this can be done at all ? Are the NHS open to having treatment take place overseas outside of Europe? I love and greatly admire the NHS and all it does but would love to just be able to be with my Dad at this time.
Thank you so much for reading this. My thoughts and best wishes are with all of you that are affected by this disease in any way.