Hi to all you lovely people,
It's been a little while since posting so think it's high time for an update. Things have been more difficult, cabitaxel has weakened bob considerably or maybe it's the cancer.
We delayed chemo 2 and got away to france for a lovely family holiday.Bob being bob insisted on joining in at the water park going down many slides then surprise surprise developed back pain!!! We travelled home earlier than expected. Long story short the mri of his spine was clear, thank goodness.
The Carbitaxel has reduced his appetite, has wt loss, sleeps a lot and his mobility is reduced due to reduced muscle strength. Along with this seeing the psa continually rising(see profile) has taken its psychological toll on both of us. It was at this point we visited our gp. He prescibed antidepressant and refered bob to mcmillan nurses for support.
Well, what a sense of relief it has given to me. It has taken such a weight off my shoulders. A most lovely mcmillan nurse visited us, she has prescibed a 2 week temporary course of dexamethasone(instead of the prednisalone) to boost bobs appetite so that he can enjoy a xmas dinner. She has completed form to get diability parking badge, odered us a wheelchair(bob pulled a face at this but accepted) and refered us to hospice day care for physio.
To end on a little bit more positve note the last PSA has come down slightly from 1666 to 1610 so just maybe the cancer is starting to respond to the Carbitaxel. We can endeavour to be hopeful.
Wishing everyone well with their treatments. Think of many of you often.
Lesley xxx