Harmony, my husband Tony had Docetaxel this time last year and didn't find it too bad. He didn't lose his sense of taste or stop enjoying his food, and he wasn't sick. He was tired at times, and lost what little hair he had, but remained in pretty good spirits throughout. He had some loss of sensation in his toes but that wore off once treatment had stopped.
Right at the end he picked up some sort of infection and we noticed a raised temperature, which triggered an urgent response from the hospital: he spent three days in an isolation ward having antibiotics, as his neutrophil count was dangerously low. Apart from that,nothing too alarming happened.
The actual infusion is not uncomfortable, just a bit boring. You sit in high-backed chairs in a room with various other patients all hooked up to intravenous drips etc, and the staff in our local unit are lovely. I used to drop him off there and go off to a local shopping centre, and come back to pick him up a couple of hours later. He was advised not to drive home in case he had a sore hand from the catheter, or the anithistamines they gave made him sleepy, but he hardly needed me there, he was fine.
I think the worst part of it was feeling that he was a patient all those weeks, and having to be careful about diet, hygiene, etc, and schedule things according to the ups and downs of the three-week cycle.