I tried checking your profile, when was the last time your Husband had any scans, MRI CT scan etc?
Chemo can do some odd things, I know how scary it is when the blood results come back and cell counts are ridiculously low. I also know a little bit about the pain that can be caused by so many different things.
The pain in his legs could just be down to the chemo or HT or a calcium problem but I would ask you to look out for any additional changes like outbreaks of sweating not a hot flush but dripping sweats, sudden weakness in the limbs, what appears to be constipation but is actually an inability to physically go to the loo. Urine output slowing right down . Most of these can be put down to chemo or HT but they can also be signs of a more serious problem like a spinal cord compression. I am paranoid about them so as I have said to others before you, I do not want to scare you but just to warn you of what to look out for just in case.
If any of them manifest call your chemo team or out of hours support team (listed in your Chemo booklet)and tell them that you fear an SCC. They will check things out with you and act appropriately
SCCs are relatively rare thank goodness.