HI Ali
I only noticed your thread this afternoon and wanted to reply but had a play date booked for my son - so have had to wait.
I wanted to say that I was 38 when my OH was diagnosed with PCa and I had a toddler and another baby due 2 weeks later.
It was a very dark and difficult time (at what should have been a joyous one).
So - I do understand the additional/different problems that this presents and the worries and fears that you will have.
Others have given great advice on your other thread but I wanted to say that there are some younger wives on here too who can offer and need support like yourself.
Of course you have the 'any more children' scenario to think about as well as the other worries (freezing sperm is an option - but I expect that you have been told about all this).
I have just seen your thread on STAMPEDE.
In brief my OH was diagnosed G7 N1 M0 similar to your husband and after much consideration we opted for the trial.
We got lots of additional appointments and monitoring and if I am honest I think the Drs and nurses felt sorry for us (as I had a newborn with me at the hospital)...so we got lots of additional time and help.
All our questions were answered, we had extra blood tests and all ailments were checked out immediately at the hospital (whether they were PCa related or not).
Not all hospitals do the trial, but it is worth asking. Whatever happens you get the same standard treatment and maybe a few extra drugs on top ( they are comparing the use of these drugs at the beginning of treatment as opposed to using the additional drugs later). Of course with the extra drugs are the additional side effects, we had high bp and low Potassium which meant that even more tablets were needed. But if your hubbie is generally otherwise fit and strong he may be able to cope with these extra drugs in an effort to give the Ca a very strong blast at the beginning, coupled with the RT.
You may want to look at the Jane Plant dietary advice too at some point. We follow it to some degree but not religiously as many other do on here, but it is certainly an interesting read.
Please come back if you have any questions, there is so much to take in that it is daunting.
All the best
Alison x
Edited by member 14 Mar 2015 at 22:28
| Reason: Not specified