All of the aforementioned aids to prevention, perhaps of a recurrance of pca after treatment, other than complete removal of the prostate, all sound good for having a healthy diet, to remain generally healthy, but prevention, not convinced. For the last 30 years I've taken omega 3 daily in cod liver oil, for 50 years I've loved tomatoes, fresh, cooked, strained and souped,I've probably eaten more oily grilled baked and smoked fish than you could find in your local lake, more chickens than you could shake a long stick at on a daily basis, not too much red meat, maybe a couple of cows and the odd pig,as if that wasn't enough, I've had plenty of vitamin D throughout some of the hottest countries the world has to offer,and as if that wasn't enough, own a home in southern Spain where, for the last 16 years we've spent at least three months each yearin the sunshine. Non of my family or close relatives as far as I am aware has ever had or suffered from cancer, yet two years ago I had my cancerous prostate removed. Why? Diet? Lifestyle? Too many tomatoes? Who knows? Maybe just bad luck, the way the cookie crumbles? Good luck to those of you eating your healthy diets, they certainly will make you look and feel better, but lm afraid there's a bit more to combating this than food. Best wishes to you all, not forgetting my mate Lynn. Diesel x