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Husband experiencing high pain levels

Posted 21 Mar 2015 at 20:09

Hi everyone!

My husband has been experiencing very bad pain this weekend. He has pain caused by extensive lymphodema in his left leg and across his pelvis. He also says since starting casodex he has been getting stomach pains. He now also says he has severe back pain. 

Paracetemol isn't touching it, and he is not sleeping well due to the pain. He is already very fatigued. It's very sad to see, and very hard for him as he can;t be involved much with our daughter.

Any advice on pain management?

Should we just go to GP and ask for strong pain killers?

Thanks everyone x

'Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up'
Posted 21 Mar 2015 at 21:55

Ali, don't assume that everything is down to the cancer diagnosis as to all intents and purposes that should now be all but gone. These are not normal side effects of recovery from surgery and nor are they common side effects of casodex. Ring 111 or your GP for advice if he is in that much pain.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 10:08
I agree with Lyn, call the GP service. This isn't to be expected.

Kindest regards


Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 12:49

Hi Lyn and Devonmaid,

So it turns out he has a bad urine infection. That would account for the tummy and back pain.

Apparently GPs usually put people on an antibiotic with casodex if they are incontinent (as my husband is), but anyway, he has some now.

They have also given him stronger pain killers.

Thank you for your help. I huess we are just so caught up with it all at the moment that everything seems to be connected to the Ca.. I also think he needs to ask GP for anti depressants as this could be heightening his experience of pain etc.

Thank you

'Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up'
Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 14:40

I have great sympathy. I have suffered from UTIs for the three years since diagnosis and at its worse it is insistently painful. Hope that have the right anti biotics which can nip it in the bud, you should see improvement within days. Hope it continues to get better keep a close eye on it. I assume the GP took a sample for testing as this confirms the anti biotic you are on is right for this infection.

Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 15:00

Ahh Ali

I am glad they know what it is and have him on treatment. The stronger painkillers should kick in soon too.

Everything medical is so frightening when you have been hit by this disease.

We went down the RT route and after 1 day my husbands back went into spasm (we did not know what it was...thought maybe the Ca had spread) and I had just had a baby and could not drive....the feeling of hopelessness was immense and we were so relieved to find it was 'only' a severe back problem.

I hope that he is more comfortable now.

I know what you mean about the anti depressants, it is so easy to feel down and that this is so unfair. My way of coping is to keep busy and keep my OH busy too and try to focus on other things, mainly the children's hectic day to day routine. We have not been on anti depressants but a lot of people on here have.....the men and their partners. Others will be able to advise better than me, but I suspect that action sooner rather than later will be advised.

Best Wishes


Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 15:21

Thanks YorkHull and Alison for your kind words.

Yorkhull, that's interesting because yes, they are going to do a test of some sort to make sure they get the right antibiotics for him. I didn't realise you could do that? Interesting. Sorry to hear you have had the same experiences too. It would be great to put Pete in touch with you if you were ok with that?

Alison, thank you- yes it's hard when you're looking after children and caring at times for your husband too. Slight things seem so much worse, and it's easy to become daunted. May drop you a message sometime if that's ok?

Ali s

'Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, but faith looks up'
Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 16:17

Yes different infections are sensitive to different anit biotics so they test to check this. happy to chat to Pete if it helps re the UTIs though Pete has had surgery so his path is very different to mine and if he has problems arising from the surgery there are many others with experience. Hope it settles.

Posted 22 Mar 2015 at 18:22

Hi Pete and Ali,

I had a look at your profile but there isn't a lot there, when did you have the RRP?

Any UI can be horrendous, I had one after my op when I still had the catheter in. Ydoolb thing nearly laid me out, fortunately I got a last minute DRs appointment and got some ABs pronto.

Regarding the down time, do you manage to get out and do any exercise? Have you spoken to any local support groups about how you are feeling, both of you?

Wish I could offer more support or advice, sorry I can not.


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