Hello everybody
I'm now 3 months into the Stampede Gp J trial with Abiraterone and Enzalutamide .
My HT started with Prostap about 2 weeks before.
Besides the hot flushes and sickly stomach plus bit of tiredness I would say its bearable
I still am running ok and am up for the Leeds Half Marathon in May for MEN UTD.
However over the last 2 (2 weekly) blood tests my Liver Function test for ALT has risen to 247 (spec is 0 to 40) and I've been told by the Stampede team to stop taking the Abi and enzo tablets.
I looked up ALT (alanine transaminase) and the only relevant thing generating this can only be the tablets.
I often wondered if taking 3 strong medications is a bit over the top for the body to accept.
I'm supposed to now go onto weekly blood tests and have one on Thursday.
I might be off the trial and back to just the Prostap
I'm not sure this is good or bad for me because Abiraterone & enza are possibly my next port of call after the Prostap stops working.
I don't know if anybody has any experiences which might help me here