Hi Lyn,
I can answer that one, it was due to a mis-understanding on the part of the RT Onco.
When I attended the hospital for RT I was informed that it was normal practice to include HT with RT. I was pointed out that other hospitals differ and that Addenbrooks wouldn't give HT. Whether that meant for all RT or only for salvage RT, I don't know but I have my doubts about no HT being the norm at Addenbrooks
Anyway I was quite happy to go along with the norm at my hospital, ie RT + HT.
However, I was asked a couple of times whether I wanted to take part in the Radicals Trial. This would have consisted of one of three treatments chosen at random RT with no HT, RT with 6 months HT or RT with two years HT.
I turned down the trial, explaining that I did not with to take the 33% chance of not getting the treatment that was standard at my hospital.
At the final meeting before RT he (the RT Onco) stated that I would not be getting HT. I went along with that without querying it- after all he's the expert.
On the first progress meeting, I did ask, "Why no HT?" He said "I thought you said you didn't want it", "No"I said, repeating my previous statement.
"Well, it's too late now" he said, adding that because my cancer was agressive, he would certainly have put me on HT.