Following my last conversation about my diagnosis and treatment plan I have been frustrated by the slow and un informative nhs system that seemed to be going full steam ahead and now is moving at a snails pace...
The problems started when I was informed by my specialist urology nurse that they have been waiting for me to have a flow test and scan on my bladder, it was news to me and since I have had at least four visits to the clinics since being diagnosed nobody has said that this was necessary. When I was given my results in February and informed that I had PC I was told by the understudy of the urologist that he would do a TURP procedure if I wanted it.. Since then I have told the urology nurse that yes I wanted this done before I started my RT. The RT oncology specialist consultant had told me that she would start RT three months after my Hormone therapy began, ie 5th February so RT to start 5may.
On 25 March I had flow test and bladder scan, specialist nuse confirmed I would need TURP and would get me on the list of one of the surgeons. I duly waited just over a week and no appointment so phoned the secretary of surgeons and told was not on a list but would put me on the consultant urologists clinic as he would have to see me first before deciding if he will do the op.. Finally yesterday I called the secretary again who said I was on his clinic list for the 21april.
My problem with this is I am sure it will be another couple of weeks at least before any procedure is carried out, if I am lucky, and I have been told that I will need at least 2 months before being able to start RT, so with this delay it will make the potential start date for my RT sometime mid July.
Question... Will this delay create any problems for me, will the PC be any harder to get rid of or am I worrying needlessly?
I know that the success rate with PC is very good but I do not want to be told at a later date that if it had been treated earlier I would have had a better chance of beating it and the thoughts are there in my mind that the sooner something is done the better.
Big lot of story for small problem I know, but no one can help unless they know the facts.
Thanks in advance