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Folic acid causes prostate cancer

Posted 27 Apr 2015 at 22:06

I have advanced prostate cancer, and  been wondering why has it happened to me. I have just found that folic acid, which gives vitamin B9 in the body, increases risk of PCa several fold. I have been on folic acid (5mg per day) for the last 15 years since I had a stroke in 2000. Its a massive amount and its known to cause methylation in DNA, which gives rise to cancer, I was prescribed it as there was one study in the USA that suggested it cut down stroke. When I think of the number of times my medications have been reviewed by my GPs, you would think they might have come across the dangers. Folic acid is also added to cereals that come from the USA, and flour, to prevent neural tube defects in babies. I wonder how many men on this forum, have been prescribed folic acid in the past?

Posted 27 Apr 2015 at 22:58

there have been research projects that suggested an increased risk of PCa in men taking very high doses of folic acid (at 1000mcg per day which is higher than you would get from cereal). There are many more scientific studies that conclude there is no link between the two things at all.

If you are looking for real hard evidence of why you got prostate cancer, the following risk factors are known rather than alleged:
- being male
- having testosterone
- getting older
- being exposed to a modern western lifestyle & diet

70% of men in their 70s have some prostate cancer and 80% of men in their 80s. It is very unlikely that they all took folic acid.

Edited by member 27 Apr 2015 at 23:01  | Reason: Not specified

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