Dear All,
Both of my Granddads have been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer with metastases (spread). I have watched them both make very different decisions and choices about their treatment, so they have both had really different experiences, with the same diagnosis.
I have worked in the NHS treating and supporting men with prostate cancer for the last 15 years. Caring for both my Granddads has made me realise how little my colleagues and I really know about the impact and effects of treatment on all aspects of life - for the patient, and those around them.
I decided to start to study for a professional doctorate. I wanted to research what helps people with advanced prostate cancer make a treatment decision and when you made your decision, what the treatment is like for you?
Can you share your opinions and experience to help people affected by advanced prostate cancer in the future?
I am hoping you can spare 10 minutes to anonymously share your thoughts by clicking on this link -> Radiotherapy for Bone Pain Survey
Or reply to this post with your thoughts about the following….
What helped you make the decision (or not) to have radiotherapy treatment to your bones?
How would you best describe radiotherapy treatment to other people affected by advanced prostate cancer?
What advice would you pass onto future men with prostate cancer thinking about which treatment to choose to help with bone pain?
Thanks so much for your time and opinions and experience. Everything you post or answer in the survey will be used to help other people affected by advanced prostate cancer in the future.