I wasn't sure what to call my conversation thread, as so much has happened over the past couple of months. My Dad started chemo in the middle of March. After the first dose he suffered a lot with fatigue but no other nasty symptoms which was great news. Unfortunately after the 2nd dose, he started to get pains in his calf. Nobody seemed to know the reason for this at the time because as far as we knew he did not have any mets in his legs. The pains would come and go and he would have some relatively normal days and some very painful days. We put this down to effects of the chemo. Also, 3 days after the chemo, he was admitted to hospital due to severe pains in his head. Hospital staff presumed the cancer had spread to his brain and so did a scan, which fortunately showed nothing new. He stayed in hospital for a couple of days but was then allowed home again. On 1st May (Bank holiday weekend) I sat with my dad whilst he had his 3rd lot of chemo and all went well. I visited from the Thursday until the Monday and he was fine. Occasional pain in his calf but nothing more. However, upon returning home (I live in Gloucester, Dad lives in Kent), my mum informed me that the pains in his leg were getting worse and he was in terrible pain on the Monday night. Tuesday morning, Dad couldn't even get out of bed, so an ambulance was called and he was carted back off to hospital.
Again, no apparent reason for the pain so a few painkillers given and packed off home again. Everything has been a bit of a blur for the past few days though. The pain was so bad, that he was taking paracetamol, nurofen, tramadol and morphine tablets which still weren't really dulling the pain. Both my parents spoke to the GP, MacMillan, the chemo dept etc to try and get some answers to no effect as nobody really wanted to work out of their comfort zone, ie chemo unit only give chemo. His blood levels weren't right last week, so no chemo given, but a blood transfusion given instead. During his time of receiving blood, he needed the toilet and it was at this point that a nurse picked up on the fact that he could barely stand, let alone walk to the toilet, that something was wrong.
Finally, some notice was taken of his pain and they decided that he had a blood clot in his leg. No scans or blood tests were given at this time, just guess work. We thought that this was sort of a good thing as it meant he would be able to stop taking the morphine tablets that were causing him constipation. The clot was treated with injections over a 4 day period finishing today when a scan would be done.
However, in the meantime, a hospice doctor had arranged to call on them for an initial visit and when my dad explained that he had got over the constipation but had been passing black stools, the dr called an ambulance and had him admitted yesterday. Since being in, he has had all sorts of tests, a chest x-ray, blood tests, even an endoscopy this morning but nothing found. He had a scan on his leg which showed he hadn't had a clot and had probably never had a clot.
At the time of writing this, he is still in hospital, feeling really low as the pains in his leg continue. My mum had to ask several times for him to have some painkillers and even some food and drink. My mum also had another call from the hospice dr today saying that the pains were probably being caused by further tumours which obviously means that the chemo isn't working.
A really sad day being had by all and I just wish I could do something to make him feel better.