My other half has suffered really badly after brachytherapy. He has had severe burning on peeing for months, urgency and nights the record was 9 times getting up. He kept feeling in the night that he couldn't go, he said it felt like it was leaving his bladder then getting stuck. Tamsulosin was upped to twice a day, with not a lot of difference.
What he drinks makes a huge difference, caffeine upsets him,so all caffeine has been cut out as has alcohol.
For some reason fruit
juice particularly cranberry makes it much worse (apparently cranberry treats infection, but there is no infection) we have found spicy foods upset his waterworks too. He is on low dose antibiotics as he has prostatitis, also anti inflammatories. All this was helping a bit but still nights were bad, then the consultant (after much nagging for help) gave mirabegron. This has made a huge difference. He is sleeping all night again (apart from when I gave him the last of the cranberry juice, he had 3 bad nights) the flow has nearly returned to normal and the feeling of not emptying bladder has gone.
He has gone from no medication (or symptoms) pre treatment, to 7 lots of tablets twice a day. But he is slowly getting better, so please do ask for help. It has taken us several phone calls to get help. He had the brachy beginning of Jan. So we thought he'd be back to normal by now.
I hope you get some help, all the best.
Edited by member 17 Jun 2015 at 20:54
| Reason: Not specified