Hi Andrew,
I want to add to the comments given above by Ray and Brian, which I agree with.
One thing I would add to the mix for you to consider is that as your results are so specific, to 2 decimal places, are they the "Super Sensitive tests"? I would think it likely that there would be more leeway in the result for allowing for the machine used the dish used and the lab used etc. As I understand it for comparison, the samples have to be measured on the same machine, and I don't know what other factors might influence the result? Room temperature, for example?
My post-op results were given to 2 decimal places with one lab for the first year, but are now given to 1 decimal pace and thankfully are all at 0.1.
If I were you, I would be concerned, who wouldn't be, and I would ask for an explanation from your GP to put your mind at rest, if nothing else?
No one will mind your understandable anxiety about this matter.