Hello People
A rather balanced and much calmer Bazza reporting my five and a half years since diagnosis. I have accepted my fate. I don't agree with it, I hate it and I despise what it will eventually do to my body and my family but my way of sticking two fingers up is to enjoy my life as best I can. In my case, this means copious amounts of delicious Merlot, lots of travel and to eat what I f****** well want. Going dairy free and drinking gallons of green tea is not going to extend my life. A positive outlook, a trial here and a trial there and a daily zest for life probably will though.
So, despite the bugger being in my lymph nodes, albeit microscopically, I'm going down, slowly, very slowly, extremely slowly. Life is great, cancer is s***, but the beauty and the pleasure of life always wins over the misery that is cancer. Yes, it will eventually debilitate and take me - but millions have gone the same path as me. I am not unique, nor special. I am me. This is my journey. It is not the one I planned but I will finish it on my terms!
Edited by member 29 Jun 2015 at 08:48
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