Hi George,
Don't ask me why, but I always feel a little guilty about taking up doctor's time, so I don't always ask the right questions, least wise once I get home from the doctors I often remember the questions I meant to ask!
Your points about Prostrap and low HB are interesting.
I had the HDR Brachytherapy in February, and when I went for my 'routine annual diabetes' check in March the nurse gave me a good bollocking about not always taking my tablets, the perils of diabetes etc, so I thought seeing as how PCa was on the back burner I would concentrate on sorting the diabetes, amongst other things I went on a low carb diet sort of 'Atkins meets Jane Plant' as much meat, beans, onions and greens, and salad as I fancied but not much else.
By July I was getting a bit if the intermittent bowel problems, taking liver salts four or five times a week, so I went to see the GP, its a group practice so she was new to me, she sent off blood to test, I am not sure what for, she phoned back with the results, said my bowels would be fine if I left the liver salts alone, but she went on to say that my haemoglobin was low, not quite anaemic but low.
It was only after the phone call that I realised she probablly didn't know I had had brachytherapy in February, and I guess that the radiation must knock back the haemoglobin. thinking about it now I guess some of you more knowledgable blokes will say I am talking bollocks, but it sort of made sense to me at the time.
Since then I have had the prostate infection and been put on Tamsulosin, fallen over and had an ambulance ride because my blood presure was too low etc all of which I have covered in other posts.
The point is I have had lots of appointments recently all with different doctors, they have sorted me out, I no longer on blood pressure tablets because I no longer have high blood pressure, my diabetes tablets have been cut down by half because my blood sugar is low, and come my next test in december I may be officially not diabetic at all.
But with all of this going on I quite forgot to ask about haemoglobin, from what you say it could be linked to the Prostrap?
As I said, December will be my last Prostrap, least wise for a few years, so I don't suppose I will know what caused the haemoglobin problem unless it persisists, and I guess with all the tests I have had recently they will have looked at that, wouldn't they? They would have told me if it was still low wouldn't they? Or am I being naive?