I'm now back home, after a 40 day hike across a variety of terrains, mostly mountains. I finished in Banyuls Sur Mer and caught the TGV back. What a train, never been on it before, 300km an hour, stunning! I stayed on campsites, I wild camped, stayed in one hotel and a number of Refuges. Only had two real problems, one morning whilst wild camping 3 large domesticated pigs knocked down my tent with me in it. Everything, including me was soaked. I dried out in a hotel that night. Then two weeks later, I tried to quietly pass by a cow feeding its calf. The calf saw me, panicked and ran off. The mother became mad, very mad and charged at me, hit me full in the chest and knocked me of my feet into the grass. I rolled over 3 times (she did not persue me) and then stood up and scurried away. No injuries other than a sore thumb and a bruised thigh. I have to confess, a bit scary!
I thought the hike was going to be longer but I made good and reliable progress. The weather ranged from hot to searingly hot, I had a lot of rain for a while including fog as well. What I did not have was very much wind, so due to perspiration I often felt damp for days. I met some great people, drank a lot of wine and beer and enjoyed a lot of really good food.
Except for the hernia I did not experience any problems from my April prostate operation. Everything worked!