Well Brian, it's true that your brother's risk is much higher because you have PC and it's also true that there is possibly of over diagnosis, BUT, if this was my brother I'd be thankful that he's had the PSA test and is going to have the follow up. At least it will show things one way or the other.
When our daughter was diagnosed with aggressive colo rectal cancer 4 years ago, I approached her older brother with my fears about his health.
He is a very private person as far as discussing bodily functions etc but whether it was to put my mind at rest or perhaps because he was aware of the familial possibility he made an appointment.
His GP did the risk assessment, didn't think there was much to worry about but did agree to refer him to hospital.
Upshot, he had polyps removed from his bowel (my daughter's problems apparently started in the same way) and has regular checks and has another smaller polyp, too small for removal at present, marked for yearly review. So I'm glad he went.
When John was diagnosed with PC our son again went back to the GP and he has had PSA tests done and so far appears to be fine.
Edited by member 25 Jul 2015 at 11:03
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