Hello Wayne and Welcome to the site.
Yours and Wishes problems appear to be two sides of the same coin but the sides are showing differently.
Wishes husband has already been told he has cancer, despite starting with a very low PSA.
Now for Wishes and her husband it's decision time because of that confirmation.
You, on the other hand, have a low PSA with few of the normal indicators.
There is a chance that you could be over treated for something that you could possibly live with, despite the inconvenience.
Time to take a step back and take a deep breath. Give the medics time to sort out what the problem is.
Don't go looking for trouble.
If it's there it will be confirmed soon enough.
If cancer is there then treatment options are many and varied. Prostate cancer can be, indeed IS, treated successfully in many many cases. It isn't all doom and gloom.
By answering I have bumped your post again so hopefully somebody with experience of Haematospermia will be able to offer more practical advice.
All the best in the meantime