Time for an update...
I already mentioned the hives, but I also had breathing problems one night about a week after cycle 4 and ended up getting the paramedics out. I was put on a nebuliser which sorted me out rapidly and as there was nothing else wrong we left it at that and I had no further problems that night. It happened again the next night, not as bad so I didn't call anyone out, but I saw my GP in the morning and was prescribed a Solbutamol inhaler. Used it a few times for the next 2 or 3 days and after that I was fine.
My Onco had doubts about going ahead with the final 2 cycles due to these effects and threatened to cancel... Disaster! I felt that if I didn't complete the full course I wouldn't get the full benefit and that would mean I had wasted my money... We talked it over and agreed to carry on.
Cycle 5 happened a week ago today, still private as still no decision from the NHS... Grrrr.
So far so good, no repeat of the breathing problems. Still have hives but it's not a problem. Clinique for men was a good call too, thanks Gary ;)
PSA is down to 1.1 which is good. Still dreaming of a 0.0-something though :)
Had a call from the Onco's secretary 2 days ago, "NHS are now funding, can you come and see him this afternoon?". You bet I can!!!
Long story short, 6th and final cycle on the NHS, booked in for 18th Feb. Follow up end of March and see where we go from there.
So there we have it, 'Early chemo' alongside HT is now available in England! I believe an orderly queue has already formed...