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Third Choice

Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 16:18



I was diagnosed 3 weeks past with localised PC and a Gleeson score of 7.  On reading through the 'Toolkit (and being a big fearty) I decided to opt for Active Surveillance.

However, my consultant advised me that, due to the location of the cancerous cells, monitoring was not an option. Apparently, in 95% of cases the cancer cells are located at the side and back of the prostate but in to  my case they're at the front of the prostate and this makes it very difficult to monitor them. The options, according to the consultant were surgery or radiotherapy.

Given that, if radiography failed, surgery would no longer be an option I was inclining towards robotic or keyhole surgery.

Wrong choice again! 

Due to the fact that I had a template biopsy to diagnose the cancer then keyhole surgery, whether robotic or manual, is not a recommended option according to the consultant. The  recommended options are therefore open surgery or radiotherapy.

The thought of open surgery, with longer recovery times, does worry me. Is it so much more severe than keyhole? I'm now inclining more to radiotherapy. A friend suggested Cryotherapy, although it doesn't seem to be readily available.

I would really appreciate anyone's advice or experience of these treatments.



Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 12:36

Whichever form of surgery it opted for the biggest contributor to success is the skill and experience of the surgeon. Although surgery does carry a rather greater risk of incontinence and erectile dysfunction than various forms of radiotherapy, though ED can follow RT in due course. if the cancer is contained surgery usually puts an end of it. In need RT can back up surgery more easily than the other way round. There is also the possibility that even with a radiated prostate, the cancer can regrow (as has happened to me).

Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 16:47

Hi Paul I had open surgery last December in hospital 3 days, wound healed well and quick , they got me to walk the next morning which helped , It may have put me aday or so behind keyhole option but all went well, all the best Andy

Edited by member 29 Jul 2015 at 16:48  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:34

Hi Mo

My PSA was 8 at diagnosis, having dropped from 10 several weeks earlier. I am due to meet the medical team shortly and I'll certainly be raising some of the issues you mention about NHS Choices and Brachytherapy.



Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:44

Hi Trish

Interesting to hear that your husband had Da Vinci surgery just 3 weeks after the template biopsy. I will certainly have to enquire as to why my consultant doesn't offer it.

Hope your husband's recovery continues to go well.


Posted 06 Aug 2015 at 17:12

Hi Chris

Thanks for your post. As you say, many people are uninformed.  I'm trying to read up as much as possible but come to a different conclusion each day.

I'll probably gain a wealth of knowledge but end up following the consultants recommendation anyway.

Good luck with your progress.


Posted 19 Aug 2015 at 17:49

Paul sometimes it can be best if decisions are made for you, and enjoy the next few weeks!

Wishing you all the very best for 21st October!


Posted 19 Aug 2015 at 22:57
Wishing you well for your operation. Looking forward to updates once it s done and dusted.


Posted 20 Aug 2015 at 10:02

I wish you well for the operation and a speedy recovery thereafter.
I look forward to updates on your recovery once you are back home.

All the very best


Posted 20 Aug 2015 at 11:15

Wishing you all the very best for your forthcoming op on the 21st Oct Paul

Although I had da Vinci surgery and was happy with that, it was explained to me beforehand that although a rare occurrence, if the prostate was 'stuck' to the bladder, or other complications were encountered, my surgeon would revert to open surgery.

That to me indicates that open surgery pretty much covers most eventualities whereas successful da Vinci surgery is more dependant on no unforeseen complications coming to light..


Posted 20 Aug 2015 at 20:33

Just adding my best wishes for your surgery

Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 16:47

Hi Paul I had open surgery last December in hospital 3 days, wound healed well and quick , they got me to walk the next morning which helped , It may have put me aday or so behind keyhole option but all went well, all the best Andy

Edited by member 29 Jul 2015 at 16:48  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 18:53
Hi Paul,

My husband had a template biopsy in March and had Da Vinci surgery 3 weeks later so not sure why he said that? Maybe it depends on the surgeon, after this keyhole surgery he is making a good recovery. Maybe others here had a template biopsy and also Da Vinci, would be interesting to hear others thoughts?


Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 19:27

I had template biopsy then hand laproscopic surgery. No robots near me although my surgeon helped pioneer it in London. Im actually kind of jealous everyone on here seems to have had robotic surgery . I feel like a pauper . I hope he was on good form that day !!

Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:05

some good advice already

do you think your consultant is saying no robotic or keyhole surgery because he can't offer or do that in his hospital? Under the NHS Choices scheme You can choose where to have your treatment so if there is a Da Vinci machine in a nearby health authority you should be able to go there. Your Consultant should be able to refer you. He may have a really good explanation for his statement though, so I would be inclined to ask him to explain his reasons to you and ask him why he feels robotic or keyhole is not a viable option so that you can consider things.

You are right in saying that surgery is rare after RT.

Was Brachytherapy discussed or mentioned as an option.? You have not said what your PSA was at diagnosis, it needs to be quite low for Brachy to be offered I think. Hopefully Sandra (Johsan) or one of the Brachy people will post for you too.



Edited to delete a sentence repeated in error.

Edited by member 30 Jul 2015 at 06:28  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:10

Thanks Teddy  -  that's encouraging to hear.  Hope your recovery continues to go well.


Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:16

Thanks for the reply Chris. At the moment there is no robot surgery available in Scotland although one unit is due to open in Aberdeen fairly soon.


Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:34

Hi Mo

My PSA was 8 at diagnosis, having dropped from 10 several weeks earlier. I am due to meet the medical team shortly and I'll certainly be raising some of the issues you mention about NHS Choices and Brachytherapy.



Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:44

Hi Trish

Interesting to hear that your husband had Da Vinci surgery just 3 weeks after the template biopsy. I will certainly have to enquire as to why my consultant doesn't offer it.

Hope your husband's recovery continues to go well.


Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 20:49

There are those who believe in the long term, open surgery is a better option where the side effects of incontinence and nerve sparing for erections will recover more quickly. Read all available info, and find out what choices you have for treatment indistances you are prepared to travel.

Good luck.


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 29 Jul 2015 at 21:08

Hi Paul,

Interesting what you say about long term side effects - I'll keep that in mind.

I hadn't really intended going outwith my own area but it's something that's worth considering in view of the information I've been receiving on this forum.



Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 08:29

Hello Paul and welcome from me too.

Was Brachytherapy one of the RT options mentioned to you?
If you have the toolkit you will see there are two kinds.
High dose (rods inserted and removed over a number of sessions) and
Low dose permanent seed Brachytherapy.

I can't comment on the other forms because I only have personal knowledge of the low dose seed implants.

If you click on my avatar you can read my husband's experience of this one. A year down the line and the PSA is dropping and things are practically back the way they were before, in fact there is improvement in what most men consider to be the main area, but to be fair that is because of the help of sildenafil.

My husband's cancer was against the wall so not in the same position as yours and it may therefore be harder for the consultant to position the seeds where he wants them. You would have to ask about that.

Any questions please ask and I'll be happy to try and answer them.

Best Wishes

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 12:36

Whichever form of surgery it opted for the biggest contributor to success is the skill and experience of the surgeon. Although surgery does carry a rather greater risk of incontinence and erectile dysfunction than various forms of radiotherapy, though ED can follow RT in due course. if the cancer is contained surgery usually puts an end of it. In need RT can back up surgery more easily than the other way round. There is also the possibility that even with a radiated prostate, the cancer can regrow (as has happened to me).

Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 17:03

Hi Sandra,

The surgeon didn't specify the type of RT - I'll explore this with him at the next meeting.

The account of John's 'journey' was very comprehensive and informative - it's certainly given me a lot more information about the side effects and possible ways of dealing with them.  Thanks for that.

I hope John's recovery continues to progress well.


Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 22:12
Hi Paul

My hubby had a choice of several treatment routes; surgery, radiotherapy with hormones or hormones / radiotherapy followed by brachytherapy - after much consideration he has opted for the brachytherapy and is due to start his radiotherapy on 1st September.

If you click on my avatar you will be able to see his history, make sure you fully consider all options before you decide.

Wishing you well on your journey


"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." A A Milne
Posted 31 Jul 2015 at 17:43

Hi Barry

I take what you say about the importance of the skill of the surgeon.  I wonder if there's a mechanism for evaluating surgeon success rates. I must look into this.

Sorry to hear about your cancer recurring.

Good luck with the treatment of the node.


Posted 31 Jul 2015 at 18:55
Hi Paul

This link is a bit old but may help



Posted 01 Aug 2015 at 09:23
Thanks for the link Roy. Interesting to see the surgeons who have moved from open surgery to robotic.

It looks like I'll have to go outwith my own region if I want to have robotic or keyhole surgery so this information could be very useful.

Best regards


Posted 01 Aug 2015 at 12:43


Don't be embarrassed to ask the hospital or the surgeon's PA about your prospective surgeon's experience and successful outcomes. Some have for example a better record on preserving nerve bundles and erections of patients but such so called nerve sparing is not always possible if all the cancer is to be removed.

Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 20:53

Thanks Barry  - I'll certainly ask about nerve sparing surgery and the surgeon's experience.



Posted 05 Aug 2015 at 01:16

It drives me round the twist all the current bigging up of keyhole & robotic surgery. My husband chose to have open RP, there is no data to suggest that keyhole gets better results and based (anecdotally) on members here, it seems more likely to go wrong.

Are you sure that the doctor said you couldn't have keyhole because of the template biopsy? I think that prostate cancer laid at the front is harder to remove cleanly so maybe the surgeon believes open surgery gives him the best chance of getting it all.

In case you are wondering, one of the reasons that open surgery was John's best option was because he had scar tissue from an appendectomy. In addition, there was a suspect lymph node and at our hospital, lymph nodes are not removed in keyhole, only through open surgery. Another factor was that the surgeon (it would have been the same guy whichever method John chose) advised that in his view it was the best option in John's particular circumstance ... Perhaps naive of me but when the specialist who can do both types told us one is better than the other, we trusted that he knew his stuff.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 05 Aug 2015 at 16:17

I'll be meeting with the consultant again next week Lyn, so I'll get the chance to discuss the treatment options more fully then. It may be that I picked him up wrong about the reason for keyhole surgery not being appropriate in my case  - I was in a bit of a dwam at the time, having just been given the diagnosis.

I'm encouraged by what you say about open surgery - I'll keep this in mind when choosing an option.


Posted 05 Aug 2015 at 16:28

Consultants have a god-like aura tbh . Its easy to sit and feel like a 12 year old when they are talking to you . I was only given the one option . Even though I knew about robotic surgery from this website , I didn't think of going elsewhere in the country . Maybe I should have . I didn't think of asking if he could do it "open " instead of keyhole . Get what I mean ?? Most people are so uninformed and just do as they are told . Prostate Cancer UK assured me my area was excellent for treatment and that the consultant team were highly qualified. Best of luck with your choice Paul

Posted 06 Aug 2015 at 17:12

Hi Chris

Thanks for your post. As you say, many people are uninformed.  I'm trying to read up as much as possible but come to a different conclusion each day.

I'll probably gain a wealth of knowledge but end up following the consultants recommendation anyway.

Good luck with your progress.


Posted 06 Aug 2015 at 21:55

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

It drives me round the twist all the current bigging up of keyhole & robotic surgery. My husband chose to have open RP, there is no data to suggest that keyhole gets better results and based (anecdotally) on members here, it seems more likely to go wrong.

Are you sure that the doctor said you couldn't have keyhole because of the template biopsy? I think that prostate cancer laid at the front is harder to remove cleanly so maybe the surgeon believes open surgery gives him the best chance of getting it all.

In case you are wondering, one of the reasons that open surgery was John's best option was because he had scar tissue from an appendectomy. In addition, there was a suspect lymph node and at our hospital, lymph nodes are not removed in keyhole, only through open surgery. Another factor was that the surgeon (it would have been the same guy whichever method John chose) advised that in his view it was the best option in John's particular circumstance ... Perhaps naive of me but when the specialist who can do both types told us one is better than the other, we trusted that he knew his stuff.


Just saying, Lyn, while I respect your views and bow to your far greater knowledge about the whole issue of PCa than I possess, your post does answer your queries and doubts about surgical option choices, does it not?  


And I take the view that we, any of us here, whether we have experienced a surgical option or know someone who has, should not direct any one to a particular course of action, unless of course we are God and "know" what is best? 


Chances are that in John's case open surgery "hands in guts" was selected as he had scar tissue from other procedures?  As you say.


Knowing that this the case as you mention it, that changes, limits, things, options wise, surely? 


If he had not had "other scar tissue" then his surgeon may have chosen differently, may he/her?


Evidently the surgeon looked at the scar tissue and decided that Da Vinci was not the best option?  Reasonable. 


For my situation the surgeon who could only offer open surgery, offered, "open surgery".  


Until I was made ware of the robot I would have gone with that open surgery option.


Chance conversation with an acquaintance put the Robot in my radar.


Knowing then what I know now changed everything, thank goodness.  


Only when I was made aware of the differences between Open and Robotic was I able to make an informed decision.


Fast forward 2 years 5 months, and I have no regrets.


Finding the right option for "you", the bloke with the troublesome Prostate, is crucial.


So in a nutshell if anyone had the same scar tissue John had, and the same issues John had, and the same staging John had, and that will probably only be found at pathology he may be best with "hands in" surgery.


FWIW My first option surgeon who could only offer "hands in", and who I liked, trusted and would have gone with, later said to me that if he could have offered me the Robot, he would have offered it, but that his NHS trust did not have one.  He, the one who offered "hands in" later came, on his day off to see the Robot do me at Reading. 




who by the way regrets rien 



Edited by member 07 Aug 2015 at 07:11  | Reason: Not specified

All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 06 Aug 2015 at 23:04

I sort of get your point although John had both options available - the choice was robotic and less time in hospital / quicker return to work & rugby OR open with a better long-term outcome. He chose the chance of a better long-term outcome. There are lots of reasons that open is better for some men; abdominal surgery, heart problems, the need to be under GA for as short a time as possible, where the cancer is sitting, are just a few. We hardly ever see anyone on here who has the perineal surgery but it does still happen, again usually for men with a lot of existing scar tissue. Our hospital will not remove lymph nodes through keyhole but I know others do. Based on members here, all those that have had complications immediately after surgery had gone down the keyhole route.

My point to Paul was that the recommendation might be down to the siting of his cancer at the front of the gland but I am sure it will be clarified when he sees the surgeon again.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 06 Aug 2015 at 23:29

Far too much detail for my bead Lyn.

All too deep for me.

The issue is relatively simple for me, free and informed choice.

Prompting anyone to a choice is maybe not ideal?

Ideally everyone should have all the information.

Getting their head around it and choosing what is best for then is the optimum aim.

Nice to see you back.


All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 07 Aug 2015 at 00:34

My point is that no choice necessarily gives the outcome suggested by the advertising.

Opting for RRP, in one day out the nex, day 2, or the 3rd day?

Oh no, not in my case.

Sadly, with complications I was in for several days.

Even with all this knowledge and experience I would still opt for the Robot.

atb to you and "Falling to his knees John".


The one major factor you had going for you is that you were there for each other, how lucky you both were. Dealing with those major life defining issues on your own is a big ask. Believe me. Ho hum moving on. Sadly, of necessity, been where you were not.


Edited by member 07 Aug 2015 at 00:36  | Reason: Not specified

All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 19 Aug 2015 at 15:04


Finally met with the surgeon and the radiographer last week. 

According to the surgeon, he wouldn't recommend keyhole because I had a template biopsy which set off a severe infection in the prostate. As a result the prostate would be quite 'sticky' and difficult to remove with keyhole. The options, he said, are open surgery or radiotherapy.

The radiographer, however, while he would be willing to treat me with radiotherapy, felt that there was risk of fairly serious bowel and urinary side effects with the treatment.  This was due to the fact that I had been on tamsulosin for a long period of time (15 years) and in the last 4 months I had undergone 2 colonoscopies and had a large number of polyps removed from my bowel.

We took the weekend to discuss the options but realistically there is really only one option. I phoned the surgeon on Monday and asked to be placed on the list for open surgery. In a way it was a relief to more or less have the decision made for me.

I have been given a date (October 21st.) for the surgery.

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to offer advice and information on the forum  -  it is much appreciated.

I'll post an update after the op.



Posted 19 Aug 2015 at 17:49

Paul sometimes it can be best if decisions are made for you, and enjoy the next few weeks!

Wishing you all the very best for 21st October!


Posted 19 Aug 2015 at 22:57
Wishing you well for your operation. Looking forward to updates once it s done and dusted.


Posted 20 Aug 2015 at 10:02

I wish you well for the operation and a speedy recovery thereafter.
I look forward to updates on your recovery once you are back home.

All the very best


Posted 20 Aug 2015 at 11:15

Wishing you all the very best for your forthcoming op on the 21st Oct Paul

Although I had da Vinci surgery and was happy with that, it was explained to me beforehand that although a rare occurrence, if the prostate was 'stuck' to the bladder, or other complications were encountered, my surgeon would revert to open surgery.

That to me indicates that open surgery pretty much covers most eventualities whereas successful da Vinci surgery is more dependant on no unforeseen complications coming to light..


Posted 20 Aug 2015 at 20:33

Just adding my best wishes for your surgery

Posted 26 Oct 2015 at 15:54


It's been a lively few weeks:  Due to a cancellation I was offered surgery 2 week earlier (on Oct. 7th). It seems to have gone well but I had a bad reaction to the morphine which caused me to see thousands of ants climbing the walls (among other weird things).

I was discharged a week later (14th Oct. complete with staples and catheter). Wedding anniversary.

Three days later the community nurse arrived to remove the staples but, having done so, a section of the wound re-opened, limiting my mobility and requiring daily nurse visits since then.

Several days later - urine infection - antibiotics prescribed.

Tomorrow  -  big day. To finally have the catheter removed and, hopefully hear the pathologist's report on the prostate. Fingers crossed that all problem cells have been dealt with.

Will post again when I know more.



Posted 26 Oct 2015 at 16:23

Good luck for tomorrow Paul.

As far as the morphine goes, my John had that when he had his hip replaced and he said never again.

First of all his head started boiling, not just hot, but boiling and then he was floating on the ceiling. After the first few hours he told them to take it away, he'd rather have the pain !!

Hope all goes well at the appointment and that the news is good

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 26 Oct 2015 at 16:59

It was indeed a bizarre experience Sandra - not just the ants. My room had a vinyl floor with a mottled effect and, in the ever changing patterns I could make out soldiers from different countries and centuries marching, digging trenches etc., along with a variety of animals.

A doctor from psychological services visited me and asked if I thought they were real. I replied 'no'.  he asked me why I didn't think they were real and I replied 'because I touched them'.  I later told the night nurse that I didn't think that was the right answer. He agreed but laughingly suggested that I'd get more one-to-one care in 'psych'.

Fortunately I 'escaped' soon after.


Posted 26 Oct 2015 at 21:01

Well some people pay good money to get a psychological experience like that! But I guess it's one you would rather not have had. Hope your recovery progresses more smoothly and comfortably now.

Posted 02 Nov 2015 at 21:11

Oct. 27th    -   no beds available.  To phone again tomorrow.

Oct.28th     - admitted for overnight stay.  Catheter removed

Oct. 29th    -  Discharged without seeing consultant.  Will have to await for word of follow up outpatients appt. to find out if all cancer cells have been removed.

Keeping my fingers crossed.


Posted 02 Nov 2015 at 21:42

Gosh, I have never heard of a hospital admitting men overnight for catheter removal. Nor have I ever heard of a consultant being present on catheter day; results from the pathology are rarely available this soon and would usually be given at the review appointment about 6 weeeks post-op. I wonder if you just got the wrong impression of what would happen when? 

Edited by member 02 Nov 2015 at 21:44  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 03 Nov 2015 at 11:57

Hi Paul,just wondered how you were going on"",what is a template biopsy,i had a normal one(i think)&it laid me low for about a month afterwards.im post De Vinci 10 days&go for catheter out tomorrow.I was told would get some results in 6 weeks,ive to have a blood test 1week prior then see consultant.Please keep me aware of your progress&good luck.

Best Wishes.

Polarbear 2.

Posted 03 Nov 2015 at 20:25

 I think that the hospital's policy is to keep the patient in overnight after catheter removal  -  certainly in June that was also the case for me after the template biopsy. Also, since the operation wound had reopened and I had contracted a urine infection, I wasn't too reluctant to stay.

The consultant did say that he would see me when the catheter was removed. He didn't specify when. I assumed he meant 'at the same time'.

Presumably he meant at an outpatients appointment.


Posted 03 Nov 2015 at 20:49

Hi Polarbear 2

I had an ordinary trus biopsy which detected no cancer.  However an MRI scan indicated that there might be something worth further investigation and I was sent for a template biopsy. This is done under general anaesthetic and involves taking more samples than the trus biopsy. This detected the cancer.

I'm progressing steadily just now  -  the infection has lifted and the wound is slowly healing. I'm experiencing a bit of incontinence but I suppose that's to be expected.

You'll be glad to get rid of the catheter - I know I was - it felt like a big step in the recovery process. I hope all goes well for you in the next few weeks and that you get a good result at your next appointment.



Posted 04 Nov 2015 at 13:24


Never ceases to amaze me how different NHS trusts / areas work.  In my hospital the catheter is removed either on the urology ward or a day ward were you get a great big relining treatment chair, the only stipulation is that you can pass a reasonable amount of urine three times before you can go home. My discharge letter said the consultant would ring me 2 weeks post op with the pathology report of the removed prostate. He did ring me and we had a ten minute chat to discuss the findings of the report.

Hope your recovery goes well.

Thanks Chris

Posted 04 Nov 2015 at 15:31
Hi Chris

I was sent home the next day, after passing the requisite amount of urine and a check on the wound.

I like the fact that the surgeon phoned you after a couple of weeks to update you on the results - seems like a sensible policy. Hope that the results were satisfactory.

All the best with your recovery.


Posted 04 Nov 2015 at 19:38
Hi Paul

I have been reading your posts with interest as it seems similar to my journey.

I was dx in Sept with G9, bone scan clear, MRI not showing any damage to surrounding area and PSA 32.

I too have a decision to make soon, I have been offered 3 months HT then 7 weeks RT followed by 2 years HT.

Also offered open surgery followed by RT which I look to be leaning to.

Anyway I have a date for pre op on the 30 Nov then surgery on the 8th Dec.

just didn't fancy the HT route.

I would really be interested in your journey post surgery.

All the best for your post results.


Posted 05 Nov 2015 at 11:47
Hi Sandy,

I'm just over 4weeks out from surgery now and progressing well,if slowly.My recovery has been held back a bit because the wound opened when the staples were removed. However,going in the right direction now.

LiKe you I was offered various treatment options. I was inclining towards radiotherapy but finally opted for open surgery when the radiographer indicated that I might suffer more side effects with this treatment due to the large number of polyps that had been previously removed from my bowel.

So far this seems to have worked for me, although I've still to see the surgeon for a debrief.

Good luck with your final choice of treatment,Sandy. Side effects can be dealt with and all the treatments should have similar results -the removal of the cancer. As one of the nurses pointed out to me, the fact that you have a choice is a good sign and augurs well for a successful outcome.

Let me know how things are going.

Best wishes


Posted 08 Nov 2015 at 18:50

Thankyou very much for your concern,i wish you all the best too&hope you will keep me updated on your progress.

Best wishes.

Polarbear 2

Posted 16 Jan 2016 at 14:58

Had a meeting with the surgeon 2 weeks back.  The surgery was 'difficult' due to the size and condition of the prostate but otherwise everything went according to plan. However, it's possible that some cancer cells might have broken out of the gland and I will have to be monitored every 3 months.

If that turns out to be the case then a course of radiography might be called for. That, however, should do the trick so, overall, I'm fairly positive about the outcome.

In the meantime my very best wishes to all who took part in this conversation.

Posted 16 Jan 2016 at 15:24
Hi Paul

Looks like the future could be bright.

I am 5 weeks post op now, catheter removed last Wed and so far not much in the incontinence side. Dry at night and only 1 pad per day so looking good.

I go and see the consultant on 16th Feb for results.

Similar to yourself I will probably require some RT as my PCA had burst through the prostate.

Anyway good luck for the future.


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