Following my TURP procedure 18weeks ago I had planned a ct scan for the tatoos on Tuesday 11th Aug with RT due to start on 25th. Scan went ahead on the day but phone call later to say needs doing again as I had not drunk enough water!!!
Wed morning was at work 7-00 at a hospital, fortunately, felt extremely ill and in pain. A nurse that we knew said to go to A and E get it checked out, duly went there and booked in at 7-45. I had ct scan, blood tests and X-ray. By midday was sat in a bed on a ward having been told that my gall bladder was infected and needed antibiotics.
It turned that after a further two days on orimorph to combat pain that I needed emergency surgery to remove said Gall bladder, surgeon informed me after that it had burst and was in a right mess. Came out 2 days later on Sunday evening.
New ct scan now on for 25th August and RT to start on 14th Sept, fingers crossed.
It never rains but it pours hey ho
Just keeping folk informed, regards Chris/Woody
Life seems different seen upside down take another viewpoint