Louise, I know you are after male perspectives and obviously I can't help with that one.
I see from your profile that he has had incontinence problems which are improving. I know that for a lot of men incontinence alone can be a turn off so that can't have helped.
In your profile you say that 50mg of Cialis has been changed for daily 5mg as an aid to keep the blood flowing.
If he doesn't (won't) use the pump is he just relying on the daily 5mg and stimulation from you to get an erection?
Has he tried Viagra (Sildenafil) for an event. Take it one hour or so beforehand and carry on from there. Mine was reluctant and decided that at our ages we couldn't expect to continue that side of our lives.
We have had success with Sildenafil and he now expects it to work and it does. We do, on occasion, have pretty good success without it.
Sildenafil should not be taken at the same time as Cialis though.
Should you tell him how you feel?
Only you know your man, so only you can truly know how he feels about discussing it.
If you have done what a lot of us women do, and reassured him really well that you would rather have him alive than a sex life he may well think he doesn't need to do anything else.
You've assured him you love him no matter what eh?
What you are saying though is slightly different now isn't it. It's the fact that he isn't prepared to try if it ends in failure and in his mind it will end in failure because it already has. Vicious circle.
Do you talk at all. Is your relationship such that you could ask him to sit down and discuss with him how you truly feel about it all or is the head so firmly in the sand that he wouldn't be able to hear you.
I'm sure I've suggested in the past (or it might have been to somebody else so forgive me if I'm wrong) that you write down how you feel.
He can read a letter without you standing there trying to tell him how frustrated you are with his attitude.
If it were me, in your shoes, then yes, I'd tell him somehow just what was causing me distress.
Not the lack of penetrative sex but the sheer frustration caused by his lack of concern that he won't pursue anything that might help.
He's given up and it's early for him to give up.
If you don't tell him, how can he know?