This forum is of so much help to me.
ONE of my problems is the feeling of being on my own (medically wise that is) this is probably a totally unfair criticism but since my RT has finished other than having seen the Onco. after 3 months with my next appt. in 6 months, thats it.
Its trying to learn to live with whatever thoughts you have, and finding that place called acceptance, which I find quite often but then take the wrong turning.
There is so much conflicting advice, even from the professionals, and trying to get the answers sometimes is like pulling teeth.
I have not had the guts to find how long I have, apart from the fact that my wife always insists on coming with me, and it seems so often they are proved wrong anyway.
As has already been said, even in good health life is short, so we should make the most of it, and enjoy it whilst we can.
I don't want this to sound as if I am knocking the professionals, which I guess I am, even tho. I know they are doing their best, I suppose I want them to waive a wand and make it all go away.
I think I had better stop now, I can see two guys in white coats calling for me !!!!!