Hey everybody! It’s very nice to meet all of you. I’m located in the US, 69 years young, and I'm going to start some prostate cancer treatments. They prescribed me doxorubicin which is pretty cheap. They also told me to look into Viagra to go with the doxorubicin. However, at my age, and still working, I don't have a lot of money. I was wondering if anyone had any tips as to how I can save some money. Unofficially, my doctor suggested looking into alternatives such as “generics” and when I asked about more information he gave me some reassurance that Canadian pharmacies might be a good option but I’m very nervous about getting into something I know nothing about and risking my health. Does anyone happen to have any insight about this, or has anyone ordered from any of these sources? Please let me know as soon as possible. Feel free to message me privately if you prefer that to posting publicly. Thank you so much for any help in advance, as well as your time and support.